The ghost of Mirkwood - Part 3 - Legolas x Reader

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Legolas had not listened to a single word that his father had had to say. As he had expected, the king was not too pleased that his son had sent his men away; that he had stayed behind in the woods, despite all the warnings that had told him it could be dangerous. Despite the tales of the downfall of the kingdom, if he or his father were ever to meet the ghost of Mirkwood. But here he was, without a mark on him; and the realm was still as it was. Not a sign that it was about to crumble down around their ears.

When the exquisite elleth had called out her name, Legolas at first had not associated it with the old legend. But on his way back to face his father, he had realised the connection. That the name of the beauty that he had just met, and the name of the one that was supposed to hate his line, were one and the same. The pale prince having made his way to the library once his father was done chastising him as though he were and elfling; telling him that he was not allowed to return to the woods, unless he heeded the warnings. Legolas refamiliarizing himself with the legend of (Y/n). The breathtaking female that had loved his grandfather; whose love had supposedly been refused by Oropher. Who was so distraught by not being loved in return, that she had journeyed to Dol Guldur and thrown herself from the dark jagged cliffs. The necromancer using her broken spirit to haunt Oropher and his descendants, as his powers descended over the woods. To haunt anyone that may come upon her in the darkest parts of the great wood. A spirit that should, if the story was true, have hated him. Have watched as the dark wood claimed his life. But she hadn't; she had done exactly the opposite. She had feared for the safety of the kingdom. She had helped him, aided him in traversing the evil woods that wished to take him. She had spoken to him kindly; she had spoken of his line without any sign of hatred. She had told him not to return, to not think of her again, for his own good. And given that, Legolas knew that he had to see her again. That despite what she had said, he wanted to help her in any way that he could. He wanted to assist her in escaping the evil, just as she had done for him. And that was why he had crept passed the guards in the middle of the night. That was why he was making his way back to where the elleth had left him.

"(Y/n)..............!" He called out, as he got to the little clearing. Holding the blazing torch high above his head in order to cast its light as far as possible. His ears listening for anything; for the melodious sound of beauteous elleth, or the eight-legged abominations that lurked in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment.

"(Y/n), please.............." The prince called out again. Hoping that his voice wouldn't draw other things to him.

"I know I promised that I wouldn't return; that I would not come looking for you; but I could not help myself.............." Legolas tried to explain, as he slowly made his way to where he had last seen the spectre. Feeling his heart drop, as he saw nothing but darkness. Nothing but towering, looming shadows. The prince reluctantly turning to leave, praying to be able to return to his rooms, before his absence was noted.

"Why did you return............" A voice softly enquired; Legolas turning on his heels to see the softly glowing spirit.

"I could not leave you like this, my lady.............."

"You can do nothing for me..............."

"How do you know..........? Has anyone ever tried..............?"

"Stubborn.........just like he was. Tell me, what is your name............?" (Y/n) asked, as she moved to the edge of the trees, so that she could see the handsome prince more clearly.


"Legolas............Greenleaf..........I like that. Tell me, Legolas, are you the son of Oropher............?"

"No...........I am the son of his son............."

"The son of his son? You are Oropher's grandchild? I had not realised that I had been here that long. That the evil had kept me prisoner for so many years." The elleth replied, taking a seat and looking across the clearing at the prince.

"I..........I know that Oropher is no longer in this world. The cruelty of the necromancer allowed me to feel his pain as he passed. So, your father must be king. What is the son of Oropher called.............?"

"My father was named Thranduil............." Legolas told her, as he moved across the clearing and took a seat as close to the lady as he could.

"Thranduil..........Vigorous spring...........A fine name too. And if he is as handsome as you, Greenleaf, then your mother, your grandmother, must be quite beautiful." (Y/n) continued; the soft smile that had previously graced her features, seeming to fall away slightly.

"My mother and grandmother are gone from this world. But yes, they were..........." Legolas sighed, as his thoughts drifted to his mother for a moment.

"My lady, may I ask you something.........?" He finally continued. The elleth nodding slowly.

"Do you wish to destroy the kingdom and my line...........?" 

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