The Emissary - Part 1 - Fili x Reader

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The company stood with Gandalf in Rivendell. An ellon, and elleth slowly descending a staircase, as they and the wizard greeted one another.

"Lindir. Lady (Y/n). It is so nice to see you both again." Gandalf began. Fili not hearing another word, or noticing the fact that the horses, and men of Lord Elrond had surrounded him and the rest of the of the dwarves. The young prince too concerned with the beautiful elleth that stood staring back at him. A soft smile gracing her lips.

Fili had never seen anything like her before. Her skin and hair were as pale as moonlight. Her eyes as dark as the night sky. To Fili, she seemed to glow with an aura that set her apart from everything around her. And as he watched her converse with Gandalf and the elven Lord, he couldn't help but feel lost.

"What ya lookin at lad?" Dwalin suddenly asked. His gruff voice bringing Fili back from his thoughts. The Durin prince's heart sinking as the beautiful creature disappeared back into her home.

"Nothin." Fili replied, slightly too harshly. Causing Kili to spin around and look at his brother.

"I wasn't looking at anything. I was just.......I was just making sure that the elves didn't attack." Fili continued. Doing his best to ignore Kili's smirk.


As the others complained about the food, Fili made his way over to the other end of the table where Gandalf and Lord Elrond sat.

"Gandalf." Fili began. Feeling grateful that the others were starting to become a little too loud.

"Yes Fili. What is it?" Gandalf enquired kindly, as he turned his attention to the blonde dwarf.

"The elleth that ya called (Y/n). Who is she?" Fili asked, as both the elf lord and the wizard began to chuckle softly.

"Lady (Y/n) is the younger child of Lord Celebron, and Lady Galadriel. The sister of Lord Elrond's wife. She is an elleth of unrivalled beauty, is she not. Why do you ask?" Gandalf informed the young Durin, as he looked between Fili and Elrond.

"Can you not see. Our dear (Y/n) has cast her spell on your young friend. I am not surprised that you have been enchanted. She is quite special." Elrond told the wizard, a soft smile pulling at the corners of his lips, as he dodged yet another flying bread roll.

"If you are interested, young Durin. (Y/n) can normally be found reading in the tower next to the great waterfall." The lord added. He and Gandalf smiling as Fili disappeared without being noticed by the rest of the company.

"You would approve of such a match? And what about Lindir. I thought that he had every intention of being wed to her?" Gandalf asked, as he watched Fili's blonde locks vanish out of sight.

"(Y/n) has always been different. Always known what she wants. And I, nor her parents have never been able to tell her what to do. I saw the way she was looking at your young prince. How he was looking at her. Love will find a way, Gandalf. It always does. It knows nothing of our differences. It only sees what it needs. And even though I know that Lindir holds a special place in (Y/n)'s heart, he is not what she needs." Elrond told his old friend. The wizard knowing that his old friend was right, and that the Lady (Y/n) had always had a rebellious streak that you did not find in many elves.


(Y/n) sat looking up into the great waterfall. The drops of water catching the light and forming a perfect rainbow that seemed to end at her feet. Normally she would be reading, lost in her own little world. Apart from all those around her. But the arrival of the company of dwarves, the halfling and Gandalf had distracted her. The handsome blonde dwarf in particular catching her eye. She had never seen dwarves before, she knew of them of course, and even though her father had been lord of Lothlórien, and she had been born in Eregion, (Y/n) had spent many years in Rivendell, never setting eyes on the creatures that lived below the ground.

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