Blacksmith - Part 4 - Thorin x Reader

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The tavern was already busy. Most dwarves had finished up their work for the day and had made their way to the inn for a few jugs of ale and a plate of good food; for even though Mistress Reya was no dwarf, she could most definitely cook like a dwarrowdam. Her hearty meals always appealing to a dwarf's appetite. Most saying that that had been one of the reasons that old Grison had wed her.

Balin and a few of the other elder dwarves were sat in a quieter area out of the way, talking quietly and doing their best to ignore the loud, cheery calls of the younger dwarves like Fili and Kili. The pair pushing large spoonsfuls of meaty stew into their mouths between gulps of foamy ale. Kili nudging his brother's elbow and laughing as Fili's arm slipped and the contents of his spoon spilled over his head. Little drips of gravy dropping down onto his nose.

"(Y/n)...............!" The younger prince called out, attracting the young dwarrowdam's attention. (Y/n) shaking her head and smiling as she made her way over to the pair with two fresh jugs of beer.

"When are you coming to sit with us? Its not as much fun without you........" Kili asked, as he patted the seat next to him. Fili agreeing with his brother as he continued to wipe the brown liquid from his hair.

"I would love to come and join you two troublemakers, but if you haven't noticed, it's a little busy in here; and I can't just let my mother do things on her own. Maybe later when it's a little quieter, then you can both tell me what you've been up to.............." (Y/n) replied, chuckling as both brother's placed their hands on their hearts and pretended to look hurt by her words.

"Troublemakers.................?" Kili asked, with a small pout on his lips.

"What we have been up to.............." Fili commented, as he placed his face next to that of his brother. The duo giving her their best puppy dog eyes.

"That hurts, (Y/n). Fili and I wouldn't know how to be troublemakers. If you haven't noticed, we only get in trouble when you're with us." The dark-haired dwarf continued. He and Fili now looking very pleased with themselves as all three thought back to all the times that they had had to stand with their heads bowed in front of Dis and (Y/n)'s parents.

"Oh no you don't Kili Durin. Most of the time I was only there because I had had to save one of you. Need I remind you about the falling out of the tree incident, or the time I had to stop you from going to pick those Hithlas berries? Not to mention the pond and my pockets being full of frogspawn. No, I think that you will find that it's you two that always get me in trouble............not that I mind............" (Y/n) laughed, as the two dwarves nibbled at their bottom lips, having to admit that she did have a point and if it wasn't for her, one is not both of them would at one point or another eaten or drunk something that they shouldn't.

"Now, if you let me get back on with what I am supposed to be doing, I promise that I will come and sit with you later, and you can tell me about your days." The dwarrowdam added, giving both Kili and Fili a kiss on the cheek. The three looking up as a sudden gust of cool night air flooded the tavern. The unmistakable figure of Dwalin filling the doorway.

(Y/n) couldn't help but feel her heart beat at a pace. She was sure that if Master Dwalin was there, then the handsome blacksmith couldn't be far behind. The thought of seeing him again, even though it wasn't long ago that she had set eyes on him, was making it feel as though a thousand butterflies were fluttering around in her stomach. Her mouth dry, and palms clammy, as she tried to look around the large dwarf. Her shoulders slumping and heart dropping as Dwalin closed the door behind him, with no sight of Thorin to be seen.

"(Y/n)? Are you...........are you alright.............?" Fili asked, as he took her hand. (Y/n) giving him a soft nod and doing her best to smile as she looked back to the pair.

"Yes, Fili. I..............I just hoped............nothing, it doesn't matter. I'll.........I'll come back and talk to you in a little while." The young half dwarf said, slowly pulling her hand away and making her way back to the bar.

"Well..................?" Both Fili and Kili enquired quietly, as the gruff dwarf walked past them. Dwalin having noticed his brother at the back of the tavern.

"No." Was the only word that came in reply. The two princes dropping back into their seats at the word.

They, just like Dwalin, Balin and many others were not blind to the way that (Y/n) felt for their uncle, it was obvious in everything that she said and did. In the way that she would speak about him. In the way that her cheeks would blush with a pretty pink hue whenever she saw him, and both Fili and Kili believed that (Y/n) would be perfect for Thorin. Even Dis having to agree that despite (Y/n) being young for a dwarf, she too thought that they would make the best of pairs; and given this, they had all been doing their best to get Thorin to see that despite anything he might say, despite any protests, it was as equally obvious that he felt the same way for (Y/n). But yet again, something seemed to have happened, and their uncle had not come along for the evening. Both wondering how they could make (Y/n) feel better. Hoping that Balin might be able to do something about all of this.  

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