Chapter 1

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Your Pov

"Hello? Can anyone hear me? Mom? Dad where are you?"  I shouted.  I looked into the dark forest and watched a dark mist form, reaching towards me. I couldn't run, I was so fascinated by the void it was drawing me closer towards it.  If only I ran away....


"Ugh, why is it so bright?" I yawned. 

"It's morning, Lady Y/n, it's time to wake up." A female voice said. 

"Good morning, Ana, is that (favorite tea). I smell?" I asked and rubbed my dry burning eyes. 

"Yes it is, be careful not to spill it." Ana said, while handing me the ceramic tea cup. 

"Right, What is today's schedule?" I asked. That's when I heard screaming  echoing through the hall. I grabbed my ears in pain and my door was swung open by the one and only raven haired butler. 

"My sincerest apologies for the ruckus, Lady Y/n. I'll deal with it right away, The young lord also wanted to met with you in the dining hall." Sebastian said and bowed. 

"Right, thanks. Just please see to the ruckus." I said and waved him away. Ana looked over at me with concern. 

"It's too early for this, but, it seems I have no choice but, to get ready for the morning." I said and Ana nodded, walked toward my large wooden wardrobe and pulled out a f/c dress. 

"Will this do?" Ana asked and I walked over and felt the soft fabric. 

"Yes." I replied and Ana helped my get ready and walked toward the dining hall.  The heavy wooden double doors opened to reveal a young blue haired boy sitting at the end of the table.  He looked up at me and smiled. 

"Good morning Y/n, how are you?" he asked 

"I'm doing well, how are you Ciel?" I asked and sat next to him. 

"I'm doing alright." Ciel sighed and tapped the side of the table, indicating that he wanted more tea. Sebastian walked over and poured the hot liquid into the floral teacup. Which I could assume that it was earl grey, knowing that was Ciel's favorite. 

"A letter came in today from the Queen, I assume it's another case." Sebastian said and handed it to Ciel. I felt something sting on my back and noticed Sebastian looking at me. 'That's weird.' I thought. I looked down at my breakfast lost in thought.

"Is something the matter Y/n?" Ciel asked and lowered his letter. 

"No, just thinking is all." I replied and laughed nervously. I felt Ana touch my shoulder and I felt the burning sensation worsen. I grabbed Ana's hand and lightly pushed it off my shoulder. 

"Ana, I'm fine, really. Don't worry." I whispered and she nodded. 

"Right." Ana whispered. 

"Anyway, what did the Queen want?" I asked, trying to change the awkward atmosphere. 

"The Queen, wants me to look into some disappearances of some prostitutes. I'm sure you've heard about the recent killings, people are calling the murderer 'Jack the Ripper.'  But, so far this figure was never caught and doesn't leave any clues behind. So, you can see why the Queen asked us to look into it." Ciel concluded and took a sip of tea. 

"Right. But, where do you even start. Maybe heading to the last crime scene?" I asked and Ciel leaned back into his chair. 

"That would be a good idea but, I don't feel like dealing with the Scotland yard, at least not yet." Ciel repiled. he looked over at me and I smirked. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked confidently. 

"It seems we'll be heading into town, Sebastian please prepare a carriage." Ciel ordered.

"Of course my lord." Sebastian bowed and walked away. 

"You don't plan on going lady Y/n, it's not safe!" Ana exclaimed and I looked up at her. 

"Yes, I don't see why I can't go." I said annoyed. 

"Tell, her young lord, please knock some sense into her." Ana said and Ciel looked at her with his hand on his chin. 

"Oh? I think it's perfectly fine for her to come, she is a Phantomhive afterall and we see things out till the end. Isn't the right Y/n?" Ciel smirked and I smiled.

"Exactly." I replied and laughed. 

"Ana, if your so worried about Y/n, then you can tag along. But, I guarantee her safety, she is my sister after all and I wouldn't let anything happen to her." Ciel replied and got up out of his chair. 

"Well, put my lord. There's no need for you to come Ana, I am very capable of protecting Lady Y/n and the young lord by myself. If I couldn't do that what kind of butler would I be?" Sebastian replied. Ciel helped me out of my chair and we walked toward the door, I couldn't help notice Sebastian whispering something in Ana's ear. I couldn't make out what it was but, she looked terrified. 

"Sebastian let's go!" Ciel ordered and Sebastian quickly walked to the door and held it open for the both of us. As I was walking out of the dining hall I looked at Ana and she looked like she was about to say something but, Sebastian stepped behind me blocking my view. 

"Shall we get going lady Y/n?" Sebastian asked and held out his hand. 

"Right." I said and ignored his help and walked next to Ciel who smirked and looked back at Sebastian. 

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