Chapter 13

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Your Pov 

....the next morning.... 

I heard the curtains slide open, I sat up, and rubbed my eyes. I then felt someone jump on my bed and tackled me. 

"Y/n! Wake Up!" Prince Soma shouted and I bolted my eyes open. 

"I'm up! And get off me!" I shouted and Agni laughed. I pushed Prince Soma off me and brought my knees to my chest.

"Good morning, lady Y/n." Agni said. 

"Morning and uh, where is Ana? She usually wakes me up for the morning. Secondly, how did you even get in my room. My door was locked." I asked. 

"Well, about that-" Prince Soma said and I noticed the room atmosphere changed. 

"Ackem." a deep male voice said and I turned and saw Sebastian. 

"Good morning Sebastian." Agni said and smiled. 

"I'm not even going to ask how you all got in here but, it's time for you to leave. Lady Y/n,  needs to get ready for the day." Sebastian replied and Prince Soma sighed. 

"Alright, my prince it's time for us to head down stairs." Agni said and grabbed Prince Soma and pulled him out of the room. Sebastian kicked the door shouted and rubbed his face in frustration. 

"Alright, what would you like to wear today?" Sebastian asked and opened my wardrobe. 

"Uuh, Sebastian?" I asked and he hummed.

"Where's Ana?" I asked and he peered over his shoulder. 

"Oh, her. I she went to go pick up the dress you ordered." Sebastian teased and I gave him a look that said it all. 

"Sebastian..." I replied and crossed my arms. but, he completely ignored me and pulled out a dark purple dress.  I looked down at my hand and picked and my finger nails. 

"She's fine." Sebastian replied and grabbed my black heels. I pushed back my sheets and got out of bed. I walked over and grabbed my corset and went around my divider and got into it. I wrapped something around the lower half of my body and walked out. 

"What?" I asked and I noticed Sebastian look at me and then turned me around, placing his bare hand on my shoulder blade. He traced his finger near my spine and stopped. I felt my body heat up at his contact, I tried to conceal it. 

"I-is something wrong." I stuttered. He then turned my back around and looked under my collar bone and smirked. 

"Nothing." Sebastian replied and I felt like I was getting pulled towards Sebastian. 'Something is definitely off.' I thought. I turned back around and placed my hands against the wall and Sebastian pulled on the strings. After my corset was tied Sebastian helped me lace my dress and started doing my hair. 

"What's wrong?" Sebastian asked while tilting his head. 

"It's nothing..."  I mumbled and Sebastian stopped brushing my hair. I looked into the mirror and saw Sebastian looking down at me.

"You want to ask me something." Sebastian replied and I looked down and clenched the fabric or my dress. 

"Your going to get mad." I said and his face darken. I knew he already knew where this was going but he kept his composure. I felt my chair get spun around and Sebastian sat down across from me. He ended up crossing his legs and sat with his back against the patted chair. 

"I'm listening." Sebastian said. Despite the fact that you were of noble rank and he was a mere servant you couldn't help but feel intimidated by his presence. Sometimes it felt like he was looking down at you like a child asking their parent for something. And then there was this feeling you had deep inside. The pain that you once felt on your back had moved to your chest. 

I grabbed my head and it felt so fuzzy. Everytime I would look at Sebastian it felt like a blur. Like something was missing in my memory. Something important that tied us together. 

"You said we met before?" I asked and Sebastian tilted his head. 

"Yes, that is correct." he replied curious as to wear this conversation is going. 

"But, how long ago was it when we first met?" I asked. 

"I'm not quite sure what your talking about lady Y/n. we met after the fire, when the young master hired me." Sebastian replied and I grabbed my head again. 'no that's not right?' 

"Mom, Dad where are you is anyone there?" 

"What are you doing outside little one." a morphed voice said.

"But, why does it- ow." I said and grabbed my head. 

"Lady Y/n are you alright?" Sebastian said and crouched down in front of me. 

"Wow, your eyes are so pretty!" I laughed and the figure tilted it's head. 

"Y/n.... focus on my..." 

"What is your name?" the figure asked, crouching down to my level. 

 "Y/n Phantomhive."  I laughed. 

"Y/n! Where are you?"  

"It's seems you've traveled too far." the figure said. 

"Where are you going? Don't leave. I haven't even gotten your name." I said and the figure smirked and I noticed his eyes were glowing.

"My name is...." 

"Y/n? Can you hear me?" Sebastian said and grabbed my face with both of his hands. 

"Yes." I said and Sebastian looked at me and sighed.

"You had me worried." Sebastian replied and I got up and walked towards my large glass windows. I looked up and saw snow falling from the sky. 

"Lady Y/n?" Sebastian asked and I began to cry. 

"What happened to me?" I asked and felt my chest burn. 

"That is one question that I can't answer right now." Sebastian replied. 

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