The Sweet Stench Of Death

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"Quoth the Raven nevermore! His voice is as sweet as chocolate. Drawing you in close, He feels your being with darkness. Till it is too late to pull away."

The sound of clacking horse hooves dance across the gravel road. You stare into the greenery of the world above. A world you lived, cherished, cried, and died in. Well, you wish you were dead... for real. Forced into being a monster. You despised the way your skin was cool to the touch. The way it felt like a rope was tied around you constantly. All thanks to -

"We should be nearing the crash zone." He spoke and peered over at you. His smile like a cheshire cat. You let out a deep breath and looked at him.

His eyes like red wine, warm and tart. Every sip of his rim is venom to the lips. The burning liquid slides down your throat with ease. A mirage to captivate his prey. Jet black hair, like a black hole. It's gravity pulls you into its orbit. The thin strands dance like silk across his pale face.

"Sebastian, what are you doing?" You asked as you watched the demon push open the carriage door with great force. His long leg kicked the wooden wheel making the carriage screech. You felt a gust of cool air move by. It felt like you were flying, only to see the carriage was destroyed.

To your annoyance, Sebastian was loving how your arms wrapped around his slender neck. He had this hint of mischief in his eye. You looked away and he let out a low chuckle. Right, that voice how could you keep forgetting his voice. You couldn't help but, get butterflies when listening to him. But of course you'd never let that show. You didn't want to satisfy him.

"You can put me down now. I'm not a child."

"Oh, really. With that pout I could have thought otherwise." He snickered making you cross your arms in annoyance.

"I'll get you back for that comment." You replied and he put you down.

"Oh I know. I can't wait." Sebastian winks while grabbing your hand. Pulling you through the grassy field. The field was clearly unkept. The grass came up to your waist and the flowers. The scent of wildflowers swarmed around your figure. You look back at the broken carriage and sigh.

"Right on time." Sebastian states and squints his eyes in the distance. You flash your eyes and see a familiar male on top a Dutch Warmblood. What a beautiful horse. That's the one thing you'd miss. Horse back riding, the sense of being free.

"What's that supposed to mean...Hello?! Are you listeni-"

"Go play dead." Sebastian pointed toward the crash.

"Excuse me -Sebastian where are you going?!" You grunt in annoyance and kick a nearby rock. You throw your hands in the air and speed over toward the carriage. 'This is so below my station'.

Sliding under the wooden boards you lay there 'dead'. Closing your eyes you wait for the male to come over.


"Lady Y/n!" A male shouts and jumps off his horse running to you. You felt someone drag you from underneath the wooden boards.

"Hey! Can you hear me?!"

You body is getting aggressively shook by the male. You tried your hardest to keep your eyes shut. Then everything stops and wet droplets hit your face.

'Wow isn't he dramatic.' Sebastian snickered.

'You seriously couldn't control your jealousy?'

'I can. But, you just pissed me off.'

'Geez are you a child or-'

"I knew I shouldn't have let you go. What am I going to tell the others?" The male cried.

'So you want to tell me how I am going to leave this situation? I don't think I can play dead for long.'




'Do you want me to apologize or something? This is getting ridiculous!'


'Fine.... I'm sorry for pissing you off! Happy?'

'Very much so yes.'

"Oh my what happened here?" (?) Stated. You knew that this mysterious figure had to have been Sebastian. He didn't really even try to cover his voice.

'The hell?'

"Who are you?" The male cried and the new figure coughed.

"I am here to collect the body. The undertaker sent me." undercover Seb stated.

'That is the worst cover up-'

"Really?" the male managed to cough out.

'Bard I love you and all but, you are acting really dumb right now'

'Keep talking like that and I'm going to take Bard to the mortician also.' Sebastian warned.

You internally roll your eyes. Now realizing that Sebastian was no longer in contract. So, he was free as a bird. He was dead serious right now. You could feel the murderous intent seeping through his skin.

Sebastian was a demon after all. This isn't some fanfic that makes him bend to your will. He was in control, despite how far you came. In the end you couldn't push him away.

'Relax, I don't like him that way.'

"Now if you please step away from the bod-"

"No!" Bard yells and cries. Pulling you into his chest.

'Alrigh that's it!' Sebastian internally shouts.

'Sebastian, calm down and focus. I would very much so like to be done with this!'

"Sir, I understand how you feel. But, her body needs to be dealt with before it begins to rot."

Bard flinches letting go my body. I am then picked up.

"Sir, I will take the body back and prepare it for rest. Please go back and inform everyone of the news."

"R-right" Bard gets up and leaves. I open my eyes and look at the 'at the mortician'.

"Sebastian, are you just wearing a top hat right now?!" You questioned.

"First of all, I am also wearing a coat. It's the only thing I could come up with on short notice."

"What do you mean short notice?! I thought you planned this all out?!"

"Well, I thought he'd just faint or something."

"Your joking right?"

"I wish I was."

You facepalmed and started laughing at how ridiculous the situation was. It was most likely do to stress. You definitely looked crazy.

"Chaton? What's so funny?"

"It's nothing don't worry about it. Can we just leave?"

"Of course."

Sebastian held out his hand and you took it. In the blink of an eye you were transported from the living world to the world of the dead. In front of your eyes lay a castle. It was illuminated by lanterns hung outside the double doors.

"Right this way m'lady" Sebastian stated and held out his hand. He still acted like a butler of the Phantomhive family in a way.

'To new beginnings' You thought mentally preparing yourself for the chaos that lay ahead. 

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