Sebastian's POV

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Corbeau - Raven in French (Sebastian's demon name)

Kalb - dog in Arabic 

Spéir - Sky in Irish 

"As you are aware demon's are gifted with two mark's. One is the contract mark, it binds us to our newest contract. The second is our soulmate mark, 'eternal love'. What I am about to tell you  takes before I received my mark to you."

I lived for a very long time, I am still young in consideration to the demon race. Only being 500 years old I still have much to learn. When I was around 200 years old I was placed in charge of soul collection and ruling over one of the 9 section's in hell. 

It was truly...boring! I had been in and out of contract. Humans haven't changed, always greed, pride, or maybe...revenge. Nothing brought me happiness. Till, one - let's call it afternoon - during a scheduled meeting with the other section ruler's.

I was sitting at the end of the table, of course I had to be placed in front of that dog. You would think humans are the only one's tortured down here! The mutt, Kalb, his hair was monstrous, strains of hair stuck everywhere. 

"Oi, Corbeau! Hello?! Can you hear me!!" Kalb said leaning over the table. 'Disgusting.' 

"How can I not, your barking so loudly. Trying to please your master?" I snickered making Kalb slam his hand on the table. 

"How dare you?! Do you really think so highly of yourself?!" 

"Yes, I do. Now could you please sit down. You are slobbering all over the glass."

"Why you-"

"Kalb sit down!" a feminine voice yelled making my head turn. Ah, there she was. Her long purple hair stuck against her face. Her eyes like cherries that gave her sweet complexion a hint of sourness.  She turned toward me and squinted at me. Almost like a smirk, she pushed her swivel chair back. Walking over toward me and leaned down next to me.

"Something amusing?" She laughed and I placed my head against my palm.

"Just surprised is all. No one can get that idiot to stop." I said and she placed her hand on her hip. 

"I try my best." She said and I held out my hand.

"Corbeau, I haven't seen you around. What brings you here?" I questioned and she grabbed my hand. 

"Just filling in for my master, Sadly, not a higher up demon like you. Though, I am still entrusted to attend in their absence." She said and looked at me and I felt my chest tighten. 'weird' I thought. It was a new sensation I never experienced before. I turned back forward. 

"Do you think she might be your mate?" Kalb said and I sighed in annoyance. I knew a lot of my fellow colleagues had found their mate. But, sadly, I had not. Not that I was upset. I didn't want to be chained to one person. I was still young after all. I had a 'life' to live. 

"Hardly not, I have yet to receive my mark." 

"Well, it could show up after? I mean mine didn't show up till later." Kalb said leaning back into his chair. 

"Really?" I said making him nod. How stupid I was to trust a demon. But, he was far older than me. He must have known more about things than I. 

"I say go for it! I would total tap that if I didn't have my mate." Kalb remarked and I looked at him with disgust. I ignored him and peered down at the table. The same pain from early shot deep within my chest. 'Maybe just maybe...' 

After a while I took the chance with her. She wasn't easy prey and I was determined not to give up.  Not, too long after pushing her, she caved into me. Her name Spéir, she seemed endless to me. I would spend time with her, day after day. The immortality became easier. I thought she was the one. 

I decided to be venerable with her. Gave her my everything. I should have known why my mark didn't show up. She isn't who I was meant for. She humiliated me in front of everyone. She wanted to be promoted. 

"Such a fool you were!" She cackled and I lost it! My form slowly spilling. She was going to pay for that and she did. She fell further into the depths of hell. Now she is nothing more than a succubus. Never to rise again. 

When I turned 487 years old. I received the mark. I had a vivid vision of rose petals falling. Something kept drawing me toward the surface. But, I refused. They mark became more painful. I caved in and followed the sensation outside to a large estate. 

It was cold, snow was everywhere. In the distance I saw a small child outside. Something was drawing me toward it. So, I sent a bird to entice the child. Not long after the small human stood before me. A warm sensation filled my chest. I became protective over this child. 

"What are you doing outside little one?" I questioned and came into view. 

"I wanted to play outside but, this bird took my hat." The child said and pouted. I chuckled and smiled. 

"A bird you say?" I said crouching down. Her e/c eyes became big. Her small hands reached toward my face. 

"Wow, Your eyes are so pretty!" 

I stood there and I felt warm sensation all over my body. 'Nothing bad will ever happen to you.' I thought. 

"Why, thank you. What's your name?" 

"Y/n Phatomhive." She said. 'What a beautiful name.' 

In the distance I could see her parents shouting for her. I sighed knowing that I would have to let her go. 

"It seems you've traveled too far. Let's get you back inside." 

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