Chapter 22

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Your Pov

"So, how are you feeling today Ciel?" I asked and took a piece of fruit and ate it. Ciel just looked down at his plate and sighed. 

"The usal." Ciel replied and poked around at his food. Every since Ciel ended the Noah's Ark case he seems off, something happened there that he isn't telling me about. I finished my last bit of food and got up and walked out. 'Alright, know where is she?' I thought and started walking down the the hall. 

"Mey-Rin you should be careful with those." Bard warned. I walked toward his voice and found Mey-Rin washing the dishes. 

"Mey-Rin can I speak with you?" I asked and everyone turned and faced me. She let go of the dish and it shattered. 

"Am I in trouble m'lady?" Mey-Rin panicked. 

"Mey-Rin did you break another plate?" Sebastian said walking into the Kitchen. 

"Y-yes I did, I was just so shocked." Mey-Rin replied and Sebastian sighed. 

"Mey-Rin, please-" 

"I'm taking Mey-Rin off your hands for the day, please take care of the mess." I replied and Sebastian just stood there shocked while everyone else was snickering. I waved Mey-Rin to follow me and we walked outside. 

"Did something happen lady Y/n?" Mey-Rin asked in a serious tone. 

"No, but, we are going somewhere." I said vaguely and called for a carriage. I then saw the front door open. 

"Lady Y/n, where are you going?" Sebastian asked and I ignored him. I watched the carriage stop in front of us and I hoped in and motioned Mey-Rin to follow. She shut the door and I tapped the ceiling and we started our journey. 

"Are you alright, you seem tense." Mey-Rin asked and I nodded. But, in actuality my chest was burning it felt like I was being stabbed straight through the heart.  

"Mey-Rin, what I'm about to say to you stay's between us, you can't say a word." I said and Mey-Rin nodded. 

"We are heading into town to meet with a family friend of ours, he goes by the Undertaker. He is a mortician, and he has a shop in town. He also, help us with cases that the queen gives us." I said. 

"Is there a new case?" Mey-Rin asked and I folded my hands. 

"No, I need some personal information answered." I replied. 

"So I'm guessing I came along to protect you." Mey-Rin pointed out and I smiled. 

"Exactly, all I ask is that you survey  outside the shop for any suspicious figures." I asked and Mey-Rin paused. 

"Do you mind if I ask you a question m'lady?" Mey-Rin asked. 

"No, not at all please ask away." I replied 

"Why couldn't you take Ana with you?" Mey-Rin asked and my face darkened. 

"I can't trust Ana anymore." I replied and started to tap my foot on the floor. 

"Why is that?" Mey-Rin asked. 

"I can't tell you that. I'm sorry." I replied. 

"I understand, thank you for putting your trust in me m'lady." Mey-Rin said and I nodded. 

"Also, I want to pick you up some new glasses." I said and Mey-Rin nodded. 


"Please, stay here. I'll be out in a little." I replied and Mey-Rin nodded. I opened the purple doors and stepped into the Undertaker's shop. 

"Undertaker?" I shouted and I heard footsteps come from the other room. 

"Hehe, what are you doing here lady Y/n?" The Undertaker asked. 

"I just wanted to ask you some questions." I replied and watched the Undertaker sit on his desk and crossed his legs. 

"Oohh, I'll be more than happy to provide you an answer. Free of charge this time." The Undertakers replied. I nodded and took a seat on a coffin and the Undertaker looked at the coffin. 

"What did you mean...when you said 'don't feed the wild animals, they'll only get attached'?" I asked and the Undertaker tapped his nails against the wooden desk. 

"Hmm, how much do you know already?" The Undertaker asked in a serious tone. 

"Huh?" I replied and he hoped down and tapped my forehead with his long black fingernails. 

"You, wouldn't come here without any clues." he replied and I sighed, I began to grip the fabric of my dress. 

"I've been having these visions, I know there memories of my past. I always see this dark figure, glowing eyes, and... anyway it turns out that figure was my butler, Sebastian." I said and The Undertaker paused. 

"Interesting. Please continue." he replied and 

"In these memories he tells me that we are tied together somehow, by a mark, that's attached to my soul. he also, states that I will see things too." I replied. 

"The reason I told you that was because of this mark, it seems that it's almost complete too. Why don't you Phantomhives heed my warnings?" The Undertaker sighed.

"Almost complete?" I asked. 

"Well, I don't know what to tell you dearie, the clock is ticking, the hourglass is almost empty. Your warmth is freezing and your soul..." 

"My soul? I don't understand." I said, I looked at the Undertaker's face darken. I could almost see tears beginning to form in his eyes. 

"Your soul, will be no longer, It's tied to that demon you cherish." The Undertaker replied. 

"D-demon? but, I didn't-" 

"Yes, you did. You had a choice, you continued to chose darkness, it started when you were young. Why do you think you can't remember much of your past?" The Undertaker asked. 

"N-no that can't-" 

"Your memories were taken from you, so that you wouldn't be able to run and change your destiny." The Undertaker replied. 


I slowly got up and my body felt numb. 'This was his plan all along and I fell for it.' I thought and The Undertaker pulled me into a hug. 

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