Chapter 39

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Your Pov

I stopped running and noticed that the temperature dropped and the ran started to get heavier. That's when I realized what happened. 'I jumped out a window?!' I thought and the hit my head. I began to look around and noticed how far I was, I couldn't see the mansion. 'Where am I and why is it so cold?' I thought and rubbed my arms. 

Ciel's Pov 

I was in my study waiting for Sebastian to come back. That's when I heard the front door bolt open and heavy footsteps came toward my door. 

"Where's Y/n?" Sebastian asked angrily and walked in. 

"She, jumped out the window and ran somewhere. I have no idea where she went." I replied and looked out the window. I noticed Sebastian began pacing back and forth, it looked like he was about to punch something. 

"I can't sense her." Sebastian mumbled and brought his hand to his forehead. 

"What are we supposed to do?" I asked and tapped my foot on the ground nervously.

"This is bad." Sebastian mumbled once more and then began to increase his pace. He started pacing so fast that I could see multiple Sebastian. 

"Sebastian! I order you to stop and answer my question!" I shouted and Sebastian paused and looked over at me. 

"Well 'we' do nothing. You will being staying here while I go out looking for her." Sebastian said. 

"I'm not goi-" 

"Yes you are, you will be a nuisance if you come. I don't have much time, so I'll be going." Sebastian replied.

Your Pov

I started to wonder around, trying to figure out where I was. My body felt like it was beginning to shut down. I began to cough and brought my hand to my mouth. 

"I need to get back as soon as possible." I said and started traveling through the forest. I looked down at the dirt road and noticed water beginning to flood it. 

"" I heard a voice say in my head. 'What was that? Am I losing it?' I thought and continued to move. My chest began to cramp causing me to cough. 

"Y/n!,!" The voice said again. I looked down at my hand and noticed blood. I moved forward and my legs began to stiffen. It felt like my body was beginning to freeze. I pushed through it and continued to walk forward. 

"Y/n! Answer me!" The voice said again and I gripped my head. 'Who's talking?' I thought and my legs began to give out. 

"Sebastian. Tell me where you are!" Sebastian shouted. I looked around and looked around and my vision began to blur. 

'I-I don't know, I'm scared. It's so cold. Sebastian please help me.' I replied and coughed again. 

"Y/n, I'm coming, just keep thinking about me. I am almost there stay awake!" Sebastian yelled. I then lifted my leg and tripped and fell forward. My body finally gave out, I couldn't move. I looked up at the sky and my eyes would loss focus. 's-sebastian?' I thought and then tilted my head and saw I figure off in the distance.  

"Y..I'" I saw a figure say. I just blinked and felt my body get picked up and everything felt like it was happening in slow motion. I started to close my eyes when I felt someone touch my cheek. I looked up and saw someone talking but, I couldn't understand a word. I just placed my head against the figure for warmth. 

Before I knew it I was placed into a hot bath. I felt my body loosen up and I bolted up. I looked around and noticed there were candles lit everywhere and steam was radiating off my body. Once I became aware of my surroundings, I noticed my body was still cold.

"Sebastian?" I asked and he walked in and did not say anything and felt my head. He quickly picked me up and rapped my in a large towel and carried me to the fireplace. 

"uuh, wha-" I asked and Sebastian sat me down and placed more blankets around me. 

"Why did you do that?!" He asked in a low tone. That's when everything started to flood back and I grabbed my head. 

"I was upset, I didn't know what happened. Next thing I knew I was out in the middle of nowhere in a rain storm." I replied and went closer to the fireplace. 

"Don't ever do that again. You had me worried sick." Sebastian replied and I looked over and saw how distraught he looked. I grabbed his hand and looked forward. 

"I'm sorry." I replied and he got up and sat next to me and brought me into his lap. He placed his head into my shoulder and hugged me. 

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