Chapter 41

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Your Pov

I quickly ran back to the manor and walked to Sebastian's room. I closed the window and grabbed the key. I quickly looked around and checked if everything was placed exactly how I saw it. I then walked out and locked the door and walked off. I walked down the hall and looked out the window and saw the carriage return. I then lifted up my dress and hid the letter in my boots. 

I then walked toward the main entrance and saw the main door open. Ciel walked in and had his hands to his side. 

"Why are people so incompetent?" Ciel shouted and walked up the stairs and faced me. 

"Bad day?" I asked. 

"I guess you could say that." He said and then walked next to me and placed something into my hand and went to his office. I looked down and saw a caramel candy. 

"So how was your trip?" I turned and faced Sebastian. He took off his coat and hung it up and started to fix his suit. I walked down and grabbed his tie and placed it in the center. 

"It was fine, There was some trouble with some civilians." Sebastian replied and then looked up the stairs. I looked behind me and saw three servant head peaking around the corner and I face palmed.  Sebastian grabbed my hand and lead me into the kitchen and started grabbing some pots and pans. 

I sat down at the countertop and tap the table. Sebastian took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. I saw him take down a bunch of books and placed them in front of me. He then leaned over top the counter top and opened a few. 

"I thought since you seemed to take a liking into cooking, I could teach you how, So pick out anything you want to make." Sebastian said and I grabbed a book and started to flip through the pages. I felt my chest heat up and I looked up and saw Sebastian look off to the side. I snickered and flipped the next page. 

"What's so funny?" He asked and tilted his head. 

"Oh nothing, Let's make this." I replied and flipped the book around. Sebastian nodded and started to grab ingredients. I then closed my eyes and sensed to see if anyone was around and it seems the servant all left the perimeter. 

"Hey, Sebastian can I ask you something?" I asked and tapped the countertop nervously. He turned around and gave me a bowl with a whisk and I grabbed it and began mixing. 

"What is it?" He asked curiously and began to chop up carrots. 

"Do all demons have the same eyes?" I asked and he paused. 

"No, the darker the eye color, the higher the ranking. Why do you ask?" Sebastian replied and grabbed the bowl. 

"Didn't think you would answer me." I mumbled. 

"You know, chaton,  I don't purposely not tell you things. I just figured I would tell you more when this contract was over. But, it seems that things don't alway go according to plan." he replied. 


"What are you thinking about?" Sebastian asked and I picked up my head and looked at him. 

"nothing." I replied and started picking at the loose threading in my gloves.  Sebastian walked over and cleaned up the supplies and paced the cake into the oven. He grabbed my hand and lead me outside. I looked up and noticed he was back in his full butler attire. We both then walked outside and walked around the yard. That's when I saw him pause, he looked off into the distance and paused. 

"What's wrong?" I asked and he looked down at me. 

"Nothing, I was just expecting something today is all." Sebastian replied and and brought his right hand to his mouth. I then looked off to the side and then walked over to a rose bush. I plucked a white rose and turned it red. I placed it on his coat and he smirked. 

"I see you've been practicing?" Sebastian asked and I nodded. 

"Yeah, I'm trying. But, I still don't understand how to use most of my powers." I replied and looked down. I then felt Sebastian rub my head and smiled. 

"I promise I'll teach you more later. But, it seems I must get back to work." he replied. 

"Are you going to take off the rose, it doesn't go with the 'butler aesthetic'. " I replied and Sebastian smirked. 

"Well, I do make exceptions for you, chaton." Sebastian winked and walked off.


I closed my door and grabbed the letter and opened it.  The words written on the page seemed to appear as I read. 


It seems your contract is coming to an end, There has been some urgent business with some of the other generals.  It seems a lot of..

I then saw black mist form around my hands and snatched the letter. I look up and saw a furious demon standing before me. 

"It all makes sense now, you just can help yourself can you?" Sebastian said in a morphed voice. 


"Be Quiet!" Sebastian shouted. he grabbed my arm and sat me down on a chair. I could feel the black mist form around me and held my down. I looked over and saw Sebastian read the letter and quickly wrote something and sent it off. 

"Do you understand how important that letter was?" He asked 


"No, you clearly don't and when I found out it was already delivered. I didn't think you would hide it, ha, but how foolish I was." Sebastian said and placed his hand over his face. 


I saw him walk over and then felt him grab my face. 

"It seems I have been I little too lenient, ignoring you. It seems I need to tighten the ropes and keep a closer eye on you." Sebastian replied and I felt him kiss me and my chest burned. He then backed away. I tried to talk but couldn't it felt like my voice had been taken away. 

"Now, I will know what you're thinking, from now on you aren't allowed to go anywhere without my permission and If I so happen to see you up to no good..." Sebastian chuckled and thats when everything started to hit me, I realized just how demonic Sebastian was. The only thing that was stopping him from destroying me was the mark that held us together. 

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