Chapter 26

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Your Pov

...15 days left till 18th birthday...

"hmm, I could have sworn he keeps them in here?" I said and started looking through the kitchen cabinets.

"What are you doing in here Lady Y/n." Bard asked and I bumped my head on the cabinet.

"Just looking for a cookbook. I was bored. So, I wanted to try and cook or bake something." I replied.

"Well, if you are hungry I can cook you something." Bard said and I just looked at him.

"I'll pass." I said and Bard whined.

"I'll go get the book." Bard said.

"Thank." I replied and started looking at the different utensils. five minutes later Bard walked back into the room and placed the book on the countertop. I opened the book and started flipping through the pages.

"I should probably start with something easy." I whispered and Bard just rubbed his head.

"I really don't think-"

"Then you can leave." I replied and Bard sighed.

"Alright let's make this." I pointed at the black and white picture.

"Apple pie?" Bard asked and I nodded.

"I remembered seeing apples, earlier when I was looking for this book." I said and started reading the directions. I took off my gloves and rolled up my sleeves.

"Alright, now to make the dough." I said and started grabbing ingredients and placed them on the counter top. I started adding the ingredients into a bowl and grabbed a whisk, and begin to mix the ingredients together.

"Bard, could you-"

"Here you are." Bard replied and I smiled. Once everything was mixed together I grabbed a handful of flour and spread it across the counter top and placed the dough on top. I grabbed the wooden rolling pin and rolled out the dough.

"Alright next, please grab a cutting board and a knife, I'll go get the apples." I said and Bard nodded. I walked over and grabbed the bag of apples and washed them. I then placed them in front of Bard.

"Alright we need to peel and core these apples. After we cut them into thin slices." I said and I grabbed a knife and began to peel the outside of the apple.

"So, is there a specific reason why you wanted to learn how to cook?" Bard asked and I paused.

"I'm not really sure. It's just something I needed to do. Plus, this will be alot easier now that you are here to help me." I replied and Bard blushed.

"Sebastian would have been more helpful." Bard said and I turned.

"Sure, he would have but he's not the cook." I replied. That's not the real reason, if Sebastian found out I was cooking he would have freaked out and what's worse he would become suspicious.

"Well, alright then! This is going to be the best apple pie ever made and Sebastian can go pound salt." Bard shouted and I started laughing. After the apples were peeled we cut around the core and then started cutting them into small pieces.

"Ow." I winced and realized I cut my finger.

"Are you alright m'lady?" Bard asked and noticed my cut.

"I'm fine, just a small cut is all. I'll be right back. Please finish cutting the apples." I replied and walked out of the room. I then proceeded up the stairs and into my room and opened my bathroom cabinet. I grabbed the first aid kit and began washing my wound. As I was washing my hands I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes glow. 'What, Is..' I grabbed my face and my eyes stopped glowing. I gripped the sink and began to sob.

"This isn't what I wanted." I whispered and rubbed my eyes with my other hand. I quickly disinfected and wrapped my finger in a band-aid. After I walked out of my room and into the kitchen.

"I just finished the pie and placed it into the oven. I hope you don't mind." Bard smiled.

"No, not at all." I smiled and Bard looked at me and frowned.

"What's wrong little lady?" he asked.

"Nothing. Just tired." I pretend yawned and stretched.

"I have been around longer than you and I've seen things that I'd rather forget. But, I can tell when someone is lying to themself." Bard said and crossed his arms.


"You don't have to tell me but, just know I'll be here if you need someone to talk to." Bard replied. I walked toward him and gave him a hug.

"Thanks, Bard." I replied into his coat and he patted my back.

"Y-yeah sure." he replied and that's when I heard a someone clear their throat. I looked over and saw Sebastian standing in the doorway.

"Oi, Sebastian, there you are." Bard nervously laughed and pulled away from the hug.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything." Sebastian growled and then looked down at me.

"No we are-" Bard said

"What are you doing in here m'lady?" Sebastian asked and walked into the kitchen and noticed my band-aid.

"I just.." I mumbled

"I was making a apple pie and Lady Y/n came in and monitored me to make sure I didn't burn down the house." Bard laughed.

"Right, Anyway Lady Y/n, since we are back. It's time for your daily lesson." Sebastian replied. I looked over at Bard and he winked.

"Don't worry, I got it from here." He whispered and I smiled. I then felt my chest tighten and Sebastian led me out of the kitchen.

"Stay away from Bard." Sebastian said and I looked down at the ground. I then pulled my arm out of Sebastian's grasp and looked up at him.

"Let's just get going." I replied and walked past him.

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