Chapter 35

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Your Pov-Day 2

I walked around the manor and went to look for Mey-Rin. That's when I heard her talking to Sebastian. I quickly move and eavesdropped on the conversation. 

"Mey-Rin what did I tell you about adding too many cups of detergent?" Sebastian asked 

"Don't do it." Mey-Rin sighed. 

"Exactly, don't do it. Please go and fold the laundry in the other room while I clean this up, I assume that won't be an issue?" He asked. 

"No, sir. I'm on it!" She said and walked out, I waited for her to walk around the corner and I grabbed her. I quickly covered her mouth and shushed. 

"Lady Y/n? What are you doing down here?" She whispered and and I told her to follow me. I took out a notepad and wrote down 'Please go and get the letters.' 

"But, why?" She asked and I sighed. 

"Because I said so." I whispered and she nodded and walked off. I then looked back around the corner and noticed Sebastian leave the laundry room.  I then took a deep breath and closed my eyes.  'he's not around, he's currently outside.' I thought and then Mey-Rin came back with a bin of letters. 

"Thank you Mey-Rin, could I ask you for one last thing?" I asked and she nodded. I then reached for my notepad and wrote 'If you remember the number of letters I gave you, please write new ones. Once this is done place them in the same place. Continue to 'collect' the letters from me.' I handed her the note and she read it. I grabbed the note back and began to walk around the manor.  Once Mey-Rin was out of view. I quickly ran to my room and grabbed a pouch and placed all the letters inside. 

I then walked over to my coat closet and placed a cloak over me, concealing the leather purse. I then walked back out of my room and headed toward the stables. 'If I recall Sebastian should be with Ciel going the daily report. I quickly saddled my horse and went to my first destination. 


I hopped off my horse and walked toward the Midford estate. 

knock, knock

"Hello Lady Y/n,  what can I do for you?" the house butler asked. 

"I need to speak with Aunt Francis." I replied and he nodded and led me into the sunroom. I walked into the room and saw her reading a book. She then turned and faced me, with shock. 

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" She asked. 

"Could I ask, a favor of you?" I asked and she tilted her head.

"That depends, what are you asking of me?" She asked. 

"First, could I ask you, if someone calls from the phantomhive estate tell them I was here for the day. Secondly, I need you to hide something for me." I said and reached into my pocket and pulled out my father's dairy. She quickly ran over and grabbed the book. 

"How, did you find this? I've been looking for ages." She asked. 

"I found it in the attic, under some old books. Secondly, I would like to continue these visits and I would like you to teach me fencing." I asked and she smiled. 

"I am more than happy to teach you but, what started this? You know you can trust me." Aunt Francis replied. I then sensed that Elizabeth was walking toward the sunroom. 

"For now, I have to keep you unaware." I replied and she sighed. 

"Alright, I understand." She said and I turned and left the sunroom. 

"Y/n? Is that you? What are you doing here?" Elizabeth shouted. 

"Y/n, will be starting fencing lessons." Aunt Francis replied and she winked at me. 

"Yes, I hope you will help me Lizzy." I replied and she smiled. 

"Of course!" She shouted. 

"I have to get going, I have one more place to stop by." I replied. 

"Y/n, it's not safe for you to be going out." Aunt Francis said and Edward walked over and paused. 

"I'm fine really, I just have to drop some things off." I replied. 

"No, Why don't you have Edward go instead. He's heading into town right now." Aunt Francis said. 

"Alright fine, Edward could you please drop this off at this location?" I said and handed him the leather purse and note. 

"Of course, you can count on me." He smiled. 

"I appreciate it." I smiled and he blushed. 

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