Chapter 23

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Your Pov

I walked out of the Undertaker's shop and met Mey-Rin outside. 

"M'lady are you alright?" Mey-Rin asked and I nodded. 

"Let's stop by the glasses shop." I said and Mey-Rin followed. We walked down the busy streets and stopped in front of the shop. 

Ring, Ring 

"Hello, Lady Phantomhive, what can I do for you this fine day?" The optometrist asked and I walked over to the front desk. 

"I was wondering if I could purchase a new set of opticals for my maid here, Mey-Rin?" I asked and he nodded. 

"If I recall you are farsighted?" he asked and Mey-Rin nodded. he walked around and grabbed I clipboard and a pen. 

"Please, follow me. I just want to check your vision once more." He said and Mey-Rin nodded, following him into the exam room. As I was waiting I started walking around the room, looking at the whimsical frames. I picked up a pair and placed them on and looked into the mirror. I then shook my head and sighed. 'What am I going to do?' I thought. 

"Alright, all done, we should have a new pair in a couple weeks." The optometrist replied.

"Thank you doctor, would you like me to pay you now or later?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Either is fine." 

"I'll just pay now." I replied and gave him the money for the frames. 

"Alright, Mey-Rin, let's head back now." I said and waved goodbye.  We then walked down the street and got into the carriage. 

...on the journey back....

"Mey-Rin, please remember what I asked of you, I can't stress this enough. Nobody is allowed to know where we went today." I replied and Mey-Rin nodded. 

"What should I say instead?" Mey-Rin asked. 

"We went to order you new glasses." I replied. 'It's not a lie, so Sebastian won't know the difference.' I thought. 

"And if he asks more questions?" Mey-Rin asked and I turned towards her. 

"Then, you say nothing, you ignore him and continue on with your work. Any further questions are to be directed towards me." I replied.

"Right, I understand Lady Y/n." Mey-Rin nodded. 

"Mey-Rin, I know I'm asking a lot of you. but, could I ask you for one last favor?" I asked.

"M'lady, I am here to serve you in any way possible." Mey-Rin replied. 

"Thanks, I'm giving you a promotion, as of right now, you will be my right hand. I need someone who I can trust, right now." I said and Mey-Rin's eyes widened. 

"Thank you for this opportunity, m'lady. I promise to be there when you need me." Mey-Rin replied. 

"Thank you." I replied. 

...back at the manor... 

The carriage came to a stop outside the front door, Mey-Rin jumped out and grabbed my hand, helping me down. We walked to the front door and it was opened by Sebastian. 

"Welcome back Lady Y/n, Mey-Rin." Sebastian smiled, but I could tell he was furious. 

"Yes, happy to be back." I replied and walked into the house.  I looked back and noticed Sebastian already looking at Mey-Rin for answers, knowing that she would be an easy prey for him. 

"Mey-Rin, could I speak with you for a moment?" Sebastian asked and I nodded at Mey-Rin. I then walked up the stairs and headed toward my room. 

"Lady Y/n, there you are, I was worried." a familiar female voice said. I turned and faced her. 

"Yes, I'm sorry, I left unannounced, Sebastian told me you went to deliver letters this morning and I was unable to alert you of my absence." I replied and Ana looked at me. 

"It's alright m'lady, where did you go?" Ana asked and I started walking down the hall. 

"I went into town to order new glasses for Mey-Rin, poor dear can't see anything close up." I replied. 

"That was very nice of you, lady Y/n." Ana replied and I walked into the library.  I started browsing the books. 

"Ana, do you recommend any noval's? I need something to get my mind off of all that dreadful poetry." I asked. Ana walked to the opposite side of the bookshelf and I pretended I didn't see her. I noticed her jump up and grab a book of the top shelf. 

"Here you are m'lady." Ana handed me. 

"Little Women?" I asked and flipped through the pages. 'This book was one the top shelf, she couldn't have reached it without a ladder, she's testing me.' I thought. 

"Thank you, Ana. I'll be reading for the rest of the afternoon, please fetch me some refreshments and something sweet to eat." I said and walked toward the window and sat down on the bench. 

"Very well, m'lady. I will be right back." Ana curtised and walked away. 'Heh, so Sebastian isn't the only abnormal person here.' I thought and flipped to the first chapter. 

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