Chapter 44

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Your Pov 

....the next day... 

knock, knock

"Come in." Ciel said and I opened his study doors. He looked up and placed his pen down. 

"I need a favor." I asked and he nodded. 

"I'm guessing you are heading out?" Ciel asked and I walked over towards the window. 

"Yes." I replied and saw Finny and Sebastian outside. I'm guessing Finny destroyed more plants or something. But, I couldn't be quite sure what truly happened. I noticed Sebastian turn his head and looked up at me through the bay window. I just looked away and turned back toward Ciel. 

"I understand, don't stay out too long. I can only do so much." Ciel replied and touched his eye patch. 

"I understand, I won't be long." I replied and the doors were opened by Sebastian wheeling in a cart.  I passed by him and he turned. 

"Where are you going m'lady?" Sebastian asked and squinted his eyes at me. 

"She's just going into town, I want her to pick up something." Ciel said. 

"Well, you shouldn't go by yourself." Sebastian said and I tapped my chin. 

"I will take-"

"Why don't I come along instead?" Sebastian said and turned toward Ciel. 

"Sorry, no. Sebastian you are to stay here, thats an order." Ciel said in a serious tone. I looked at Sebastian and saw him clench his fist in frustration. 

"And why is that?" Sebastian countered. I have never seen Sebastian question Ciel's orders. So I knew it was only a matter of time, before he would break free from his bondage. 

"Why does it matter? You priority is my protection and not Y/n. Do you understand that Sebastian? I wouldn't want to disrupt our contract, especially on how close we are to completing it." Ciel threatened. 

"As you wish m'lord but, you can't keep me away from her forever." Sebastian laughed in a low morphed voice. He then peered down at me and glared. 'Just because I'm stuck here, doesn't mean I won't know what you are up to.' Sebastian said telepathically.  

"Nothing new then." I replied and walked out. 


I hoped out of the carriage and put my hood up and walked toward Undertakers shop. Once I arrived I slowly opened the door and walked into the dark room. 

"Hehehe, well, if it isn't Y/n Phantomhive...What can I do for ya?" Undertakers voice echoed. I flashed my eyes and I could see the Undertaker sitting on his desk reading. 

"Why don't you turn on the lights?" I asked and walked over and I then noticed the room glow from the candles. 

"I see you're getting used to your new self?" he asked and I sat down on a nearby coffin. 

"I guess, I mean this isn't what I decided." I replied. 

"oooh? So you seem to know more? Do tell, I always like a good story, hehe" The Undertaker laughed and I smirked. 

"Sorry, the details come at a price." I replied and crossed my arms. 

"Huh?" He said. 

"Give me the gift of true laughter and I'll give you anything you want." I said imitating his voice. I could see him smirk and then sigh. 

"Oh I see how it is, What do you call a fish with no eyes?" he asked and I shrugged. 


"A Fssssshhh!" He said and I let out a short laugh. 


"Man, I thought that was a good one. You Phantomhives are so hard to please." The Undertaker sighed.

"Alright, So let's start off, when we last met...." 


"Hmmm, interesting." he said and tapped his nails against the desk. 


"So, what do you want?" The Undertaker asked. 

"I want answers. I still don't understand this whole demon thing and what this mark is and then there's these feelings I have. I don't know what's true or what's fake anymore, I'm constantly being lied too. I feel like I'm going crazy!" I said and the Undertaker sat next to me. I felt him take off his hat and place it on my head. 

"Nothings wrong with being a little crazy sometimes, I mean look at me." The Undertaker laughed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I replied and then he poked my cheek. 

"Now as for the truth, I can't tell you much dearie, after you became a demon. Your memories became locked, beings like me can no longer access your files, no matter how powerful we are. but, I can tell you one thing, that mark, is like a plague, it infects a person and slowly forces them into a relationship of sorts. It's a double edged sword, it effects both pairs equally, you may not 'feel' anything now but, it only a matter of time before it takes over." The Undertaker replied.

"So there's no hope." I replied. 


"Chin up dearie, if anything goes wrong you'll always have me!" The Undertaker laughed and I nodded. I slowly began to take off his hat before he stopped me. 

"Keep it, I'm sure he already knows you are here. Keep it nearby, if you need anything call." he replied. 

"Right thanks, Uni." I replied 

"Anytime my dear." He replied and I walked out of the shop.  

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