Chapter 30

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Sebastian's Pov

'Why did that brat send me into town this time? He must be up to something.' I thought and walked toward the Funtom toy factory. 

"Oi, what are ye doing in here? This is private property!" A guy shouted and bolted towards me. I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out a letter. 

"I am here on behalf of the Earl Phantomhive, my name is Sebastian Michaelis, the house butler." I said and the Guy nodded. 

"Right, sorry. You wouldn't believe how many blokes try and steal product." the man laughed. I then looked off to the side and noticed someone behind the factory.  'how peculiar.' 

"If you please walk this way I'll lead ya to the manager." the man said and I followed behind him. As we were walking I felt a slight stinging sensation near my 'heart.'  'What are you up to now chaton?' 

"Hey boss!" The man shouted and I saw a middle aged man walk over. 

"Greetings, my name is Michael Steam, you must be Mr. Michaelis?" The man said and reached out for my hand and shook it.  

"Please call me Sebastian, I heard there have been some mishaps with shipment of the Funtom products?" I asked and Michael looked left and right.  

"No, there is nothing to worry about." He replied. 'Humans lie so easily it's like second nature.  Such fickle beings.' I thought and closed my eyes. 

"Then you wouldn't mind, me taking a look at the latest shipment?" I asked and peered down at the man. 

"Of course not, right this way." Michael replied and walked forward. I followed him through the factory and he came to a stop. 'Sigh, when I thought this would be easy.' 

"Why did you stop?" I asked and Michael turned and pointed a gun at me. I then turned and found that all the other factory workers had guns. 

"We can't have the kid knowing what's really going on down here. I making big bucks with our new product." Michael replied. 'Honestly, always money.' 

"now, now Michael, I have places to be and it seems the Funtom factory needs extermination." I said darkly and Michael laughed and placed the gun into my forehead. 

"Such confident words for a dead man." he replied and everyone shot at me. I fell forward and coughed up the bullets. I let go of my human form and quickly slaughtered the whole factory. 

"S-stay back! W-what are you?" Michael asked and started crawling away. I tilted my head and laughed. 

"The same old things, can't you humans come up with anything else?" I asked darkly and crushed the man's chest.  I faded back into my human form and looked around the factory. 'Honestly, now I have to clean up.' I mentally sighed and then I heard footsteps. I looked over and saw a young boy. 

"W-Who are you mister? What happened here?" he asked and smiled. I brought me finger to my mouth and shushed him. 

"You know you remind me of someone." I said and walked over and found a Funtom rabbit plush.

"Sebastian, come look!"  Y/n shouted, I walked over and saw a picture. 

"What's that?" I asked and noticed a black blob of ink on a paper. 

"It's you obviously!"  Y/n said and crossed her arms. 

"Your too innocent for this world chaton." I replied and patted her head. 

"Uh, mister are you ok?" The young boy asked and I turned and gave him the stuffed animal. 

"Why don't you run back home and forget you saw anything." I smiled and he slowly nodded and walked away.  I watched the young boy run off into the distance and I walked back into the factory to clean up the mess. 


I was now walking back through town and felt someone tap me. I looked over and saw a young adult female.  

"Yes, what can I do for you?" I asked and she scratched the side of her face nervously. 

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout and get something to drink?" She asked. 

"No, sorry. I'm already taken." I replied. 

"Aww, really? That's such a shame." she pouted and I ignored her and started to head back to the manor.  

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