Why Demons Don't Sleep

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You remember not too long ago...There was a saying. That monster's hide under your bed. You used to be so afraid. That you would call to your father, Vincent Phantomhive. Oh how he tried to get you to go back into a deep slumber. But, alas, you stayed awake. 

Tap, Tap

Oh, the dreadful taping. Why won't it leave you alone? Falling....deep into the soft cushions. Wrapping yourself in the satin covers. 

"Warmth... I.... Need warmth!"

You shoot up from your spot. You look around and rub your face. 

"Right, I am still here in this blasted infer...no?" 

Where you still dreaming? It felt like a memory. You slid off your bed and walked over toward the mirror. Staring deep inside the reflective surface lay a child. Your skin held warmth once more. You looked to be 10 years of age. Your hair pulled back into a low ponytail. 

Knock, Knock 

"Cough (Nickname), you there?" A high pitch voice shouted. You slowly walked over and held the door knob. Hesitation, your breathing became shallow. 'No, I said my goodbyes. Don't make me go out there. Just go away!' You thought.

The door knob began to jiggle and you heard more footsteps in the hallway. 

"Sister! Come out please!" Another high pitch voiced shouted. 

"I-I can't..." You stuttered and pressed your head against the cold oak door. You remember this memory. It was such a happy one. Playing with your two younger brothers. Ciel was the next in line to the earldom. Skipping you of course. How you despised the time you were placed in. You couldn't fight your fate. And how could you forget your favorite little brother....

"(Nickname)...t-that's ok! Maybe another time then!" 

You slid down the door and placed your hands in front of your e/c eyes. Listening to the small footsteps trail down the hallway.

"W-why?! this memory! Why!! Isn't my life ruined enough?! Just leave me be!" 

Tap, Tap

"Hot...Why is it so hot?"

You slowly pull your hands from your eyes. to your horror flames started to dance across you room. You sat there as tears poured down the sides of your eyelids. 

"No...no...NOOO!" You screamed and you could hear screams echo from inside the house. You pulled open the door knob. A hot sensation danced across your right palm. Standing in the hallway your head began to hurt. 

"Hello! Where is everyone?!" You yelled. 

Tap, Tap

"No, not yet! Not till I find-"

Tap, Tap

Once more darkness...you were floating. A familiar sensation. It felt like everything was going to be alright. It felt like a weighted blanket. The scent of vanilla...no wait was that the smell of rain? You tried to move but something was trapping you. Something lukewarm touched the left side of your face. 

Your chest was burning and everything felt tingly. Just like when...the mark. Your eyes shot open and you collided with something hard. You grabbed your forehead in agony. 

"And hello to you too." A deep chuckle spoke and you readjusted you eyes to see the raven haired male you were very well acquainted with.

"Oh, it's just you." You sighed and leaned against the headboard. Pulling your legs toward your chest. You watched the demon in front of you stare at you. He placed his arms behind his body. Leaning back. 

You hated to admit it but, you loved this peaceful silence. It was calming, you knew that if you wanted to talk he would be all ears? Wait to demon have ears? You heard a laugh escape from 'Sebastian's' lips and you whined.

"You don't always need to read my thought's you know!" You said in embarrassment.

"You do realize I have ears? I mean they are a bit pointer than a human's.  Though if you are talking about my true form then. That would be a no." 

"Huh? Your true form? I thought that's what you really looked like?" You commented and 'Sebastian' gave you an ok really face. 

"No, I change my appearance depending on the time and what my contract is. They only things a can't change are my black nails, hair color, skin tone, and eyes. I do prefer my hair when it's shorter. It really did bug me that I couldn't cut my bangs." 

"Pretty sure you could cut your hair. All you had to do was ask."  

"And why would I do that? Ask a child... honestly." 

"You are why too prideful for your own good." You commented and 'Sebastian' moved closer to you. He grabbed your chin and stroked the side of your chin with his thumb. 

"Oh really? You know I don't like getting mocked. I'm not going to be as lenient." Sebastian pressed his body weight closer to yours. He was testing your patience level. He knew that he was pushing your buttons.

"Is that some sort of threat? Because it's not working." You slid your leg under him making him fall to the side. You placed your hands by his head.

"Just so you know. If you ever get that close to me without my permission again. There will be hell to pay." You stated and got off him. He sat up and looked at you in shock. 

"Jokes on you, you just got me excited. I except the challenge." 'Sebastian' laughed and you chucked a pillow at his head. 

"Pervert. Why don't you get off to that purple headed woman from earlier? You two seem pretty close." You mumbled and leaned against the wall. With your arms crossed. 

"Sadly been there...done that....Now she pisses me off." 'Sebastian' stated and you looked at him with a face full of disgust. 

"Why is that?" Deep down you really didn't want to know about his sex life. But, you were curious. 

"Long story." 'Sebastian' said quickly trying to end the story. 

"Well, as far as I can tell. We are immortal. So, we got time." You stated and 'Sebastian' grunted like a two year old. 



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