Chapter 19

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Your Pov

"Y/n, look at this one!" Elizabeth shouted and I turned and looked at the puffy pink dress. 

"No." I said and Elizabeth sighed. 

"Pleeaaaase!" Elizabeth shouted and I noticed the seamstress look towards us. Ana tapped my shoulder and whispered. 

"I think it's a good Idea to go along with whatever Lady Elizabeth wants."  

"Fine." I replied and grabbed the dress. 'Thank God that Ciel and Sebastian aren't here right now!' I thought and stepped behind the divider. I slipped off my dress and changed into the atrocious girly fabric. I looked into the mirror and instantly wanted to throw up, though if I did, I think I would end up throwing up rainbows. 

"Come on Y/n, let me see!" Elizabeth shouted and I walked out and glared. I looked over at Ana who was trying not to laugh. 

"Of course you find this funny." I replied and glared. 

"You look so cuuutee! Don't you agree Ana?" Elizabeth shouted. 

"Why, yes. Very pretty." Ana giggled. 

"Alright, I'm down. Please get me out of this!" I shouted and put my arms to the side. I got out of my dress and slipped back on my original black and red dress. I walked over and looked at the jewelry. 'hmm what's this?' I thought and picked up the stone. 

"We just got that necklace in yesterday, These stones are the rage recently, they glow if you put them under a light." The owner said and grabbed the necklace and I walked behind her.  She led me to a seperate room and turned off the light and shined a light above the stone. ' A purple light?' I thought and that's when my head began to hurt. 

"Wow, what's that strange purple light?" I asked. 

"This is a contract mark." The figure said

"What's that?" I asked and grabbed the figure's hand. 

"Curious today are we?" The figure laughed. I began to trace the back of his hand.

"What does ton, te, gram, ma, mean? And what's the strange symbols inside?" I asked. 

"Hmm, it binds me to my contractee." The figure replied. 

"But, I don't have one and you said we are tied?" I asked and the figure smirked. 

"Yes, but, you have something different. Something only I can see, it's attached to your soul." the figure said. 

"I mark? What does it look like?" I asked.

"In do time, you'll see it for yourself." the figure said and patted my head. 

"Miss?" the owner asked. 

"Oh, I'm sorry I must have spaced out, the gem is very exquisite. Is it for sale?" I asked and the owner nodded. 

"I would like to take it off your hands." I replied and the owner nodded.  I followed her out of the room and payed for the gem. 

"There you are Y/n! Where did you go! I found another dress for you to try on." Elizabeth shouted and I grabbed the satchel that held my new necklace and placed it into my coat pocket. 

"I think, I'm done trying on dresses for the day. Why don't we head back to the manor?" I asked and Elizabeth sighed. 

"But, you only tried on one dress!" Elizabeth said and bent forward. I looked over at Ana for help and she scratched her cheek. 

"Lady Elizabeth?" Ana asked and Elizabeth shot up. 

"Yes?" Elizabeth smiled. 

"Lady Y/n, unfortunately has to go back and finish some paperwork." Ana replied and I looked over at Elizabeth nervously. 

"I understand but, one more dress! Please?" Elizabeth looked at me with puppy dog eyes. 

"Alright fine. One more dress." I replied and Elizabeth ran towards me and gave me a hug. 

"Thank you Y/n, you are the best!" Elizabeth shouted and I looked down at the dress she was holding. 

"It's f/c?" I asked curiously. 

"I know, you don't like girly things, so I at least grabbed a pastel dress. Ana helped me pick out what color you wanted." Elizabeth said and I smiled. I grabbed the dress and walked back to the 'changing room'. I slipped into the dress and looked into the mirror. 'not bad.' I thought and did a twirl. I walked out and looked at everyone's face expressions. 

"That dress fits you way better Lady Y/n." The owner replied and the other workers nodded. I looked over at Elizabeth and she gave me a thumbs up. 

"Alright, I'll take the dress." I replied. 

"We'll have to make some slight adjustments." the seamstress said and started marking the dress with pins. After the dress was all pinned up, I payed and walked back to the carriage. I pulled out my necklace and traced the indents. 

"What a pretty purple necklace." Elizabeth shouted and Ana looked over. 

"hmm, purple?" Ana asked and raised her eyebrow. 

"Yes, what's the problem." I asked. 

"I didn't think you liked purple, Lady Y/n." Ana replied. 

"I like purple but, I don't wear it alot. Since I don't have a lot of purple dresses." I replied and Ana slowly nodded. 'From now on, I have to be careful what I say. The more visions I have, I feel like I am closer to discovering the truth about my past.' I thought and looked out the window. 

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