Chapter 29

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You Pov 

Log Date: June 21, 1889

Well where do I even start? I'm not very good at these 'dairy' things. But, one thing is definitely  certain. Sebastian can't be trusted, I have to keep somethings away from him. But, it seems my own mind won't do. Eversense I turned 18 years old, my body is growing and changing quickly. I noticed my height has grown and my chest seemed to get slightly bigger. My face is becoming more defined and more 'adult like'.  

I am not sure what to do, my relatives and many others are starting to notice these changes. I know Ciel is worried about me and has become suspicious of my behavior. I want to tell him the truth but, I need to get away from Sebastian to do that. I'm not sure if that is even possible, even if Sebastian left, he somehow knows what I'm thinking and what I'm up to. 

knock, knock 

I quickly hid my letter and grabbed my book. 

"Come in." I said and my study door was opened to reveal Mey-Rin. 

"Hello, Lady Y/n." She said and I nodded. 

"Hello, Mey-Rin, what can I do for you?" I asked and grabbed a book and placed the letter there. 

"I'm here to fetch you, the young master wanted to meet with you in the garden." Mey-Rin replied and I looked out my window and nodded. 

"Alright, thank you for alerting me." I said and pushed in my chair and walked toward the door. I quickly gave a nod to Mey-Rin and she nodded back. She walked over to my bookcase and took the letter. 


I walked through the backyard and headed to our tree swing located in the garden. 

"Hello, Ciel." I said and walked over and sat next to him. He looked over at me and nodded. 

"Hello." He replied and crossed his legs and grabbed onto the swing. I looked around the garden and sensed nothing. 

"Y/n, we need to talk." Ciel said and turned toward me once more. 

"About?" I asked and Ciel looked at me and caught on to what I was saying. 

"Sebastian, went out this morning, I had a new shipment that needed to be looked over. I suspect there are some new changes that are being kept from me." Ciel said and I nodded. 

"Yes, What would you do if you found out that your product has been tampered with?" I asked and Ciel looked up and then over to me. 

"hmmm, well as an earl I would be most upset, I don't like being lied to. But, as a person, I may be upset, but, I want to know the truth." Ciel replied and I sighed. 

"I'm not me anymore, my taste has changed." I said and Ciel tightened his grip. 

"Well, we could always figure something out, when did you change? I don't remember you being a picky eater." Ciel replied. 

"Just recently, after the party, I think I had too much cake to eat. Now I don't like it anymore." I replied and Ciel's eye widened. I looked down at the ground and then over at Ciel. 

"Please tell me it's just a phase." Ciel asked and I shook my head. 

"No, I don't think I will ever go back." I replied and Ciel leaned forward and placed his head on his hands.  

"W-why?"he asked. 

"I don't know how it happened. Everything happened so fast, and then it was too late. I was drawn in like a moth to a flame." I replied and Ciel leaned back up and grabbed my hand. 

"I understand, we phantomhives must preserve to protect the things we care about." Ciel said and I looked over at him in shock. 

"Yes, we do." I laughed and Ciel smiled. He got up and held out his hand. 

"Why don't we go back inside, I think you owe my a long overdue chess rematch." Ciel said and I grabbed his hand.

"You know you'll lose. Just like last time." I laughed and Ciel smirked. 

"Well, I might surprise you." Ciel replied. I shook my head and we walked back to the manor.


"Checkmate." I replied. 

"Seriously again?!" He shouted and I laughed.

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