Chapter 45

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Your Pov

I walked down a long hallway all I could see was pitch black. As I was walking down the monochrome hallway I looked down and saw a light gleam from the end of the hall. I slowly walked forward and the light became brighter the closer I went. 'Way does this feel so familiar?' I thought.

As I reached the end of the hall I saw a pillar with a white rose laid upon it. I looked around and noticed there was a door open, I couldn't tell what was beyond the door but, it was full of light. I began to walk toward the door when I felt this pull or fascination towards this random rose. 

"Go ahead, take it." I heard a voice whisper.

"Hello? Someone there?" I asked and I heard no reply.  I walked closer towards the pillar and stood on my tippy toes and gleamed into the soft white petals. 

"Why not smell it?" The voice tempted and I inhaled and smelled the floral scent. I wanted so badly to take the rose and hold it in my small hands but, something seemed off. 

"What's stopping you?" The voice asked and I looked around. 

"Who are you?" I asked and again no reply. I looked back toward the door and it seemed further away.  I looked back at the white rose and it almost seemed to glow. Every time I looked at the rose it felt like I was being drawn towards it.  I reached out my hand and grabbed the stem and I heard the door slam shut. 

I looked back down at the rose and it started to wrap its thorns around my arm and began to draw blood, turning it red. I was then engulfed into the void and I heard chuckling noise. 

"Mine." The voice replied. 

"Y/n?" I heard a voice say and I quickly picked my head up and saw Ciel looking over at me with concern. 

"Ciel?" I asked and rubbed my eyes and he tilted his head. 

"You fell asleep, which is odd. I didn't think demons slept." Ciel said and I sat up. I looked around the room and sat back into my chair. 

"What was that? Why did it feel so real?" I whispered while gripping my head. 

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Ciel asked and I looked down at the floor lost in thought. 


"Y/n? Did you hear me?" Ciel asked and I looked at him and sighed. 

"Uh, yes sorry." I replied and he sighed. 

"I can't believe I'm asking this but, did you have a bad dream or something?" he asked and I fumbled my thumbs. 

"I'm not sure." I replied and Ciel tilted his head. I then heard the study doors creak open. 

"Young master, a letter just arrived from her majesty." Sebastian said and handed Ciel the letter. I just sat still, my body felt numb and it felt like I was still trapped inside my dream. 

"" I heard someone say and then I slowly got up and left the room without saying a word. I then walked toward my room and felt a tingling sensation spread across my chest. I quickly walked toward my mirror and took off the top portion of my dress and looked underneath my collar bone. 

"" I whispered and felt the strange black marking. I noticed that the once small mark, spread across my chest. I quickly started to take of my sleeves and noticed the my right arm had black markings travel from my finger tips all the way up to my shoulder and over to my heart. I stumbled back and fell back onto my bed. 

I brought my hands to my face and felt my body begin to shake. I felt like I couldn't breathe, I was most likely having an anxiety attack. I quickly fixed my dress and ran out of my room, I just needed fresh air. Once I got outside I feel over and took a breathe of fresh air. 

"Damn it!" I shouted and punched the ground. I looked down and saw the ground begin to crack and I saw a tree fall over in the distance. I then heard footsteps walk towards me and I saw a hand in front of me. 

"It's alright." Sebastian said and something inside of me exploded. I smacked his hand away and grabbed him by his tie. I felt my eyes burn and darkness consumed me. 

"No, it's not! This is your fault!" I shouted in a morphed voice and push Sebastian back. I then heard a dark chuckle off from the distance. 

"Oh, finally fighting back, chaton? How cute." Sebastian chuckled and I glared at him. He walked towards me and grabbed my face. 


"There's no use in fighting chaton, the more you resist me the harder things will get." Sebastian whispered in my left ear. 

Chosen (Sebastian x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant