Chapter 49

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Your Pov 


I 'woke up' or more like pretended to wake up this morning. I laid in bed and brought the covers half way over my head and waited for Mey-Rin to walk in. I heard her footsteps walk to my door and she quietly pushed open the doors and walked toward the curtains. 

"Good Morning m'lady, it's time to wake up." She said and I slowly pushed the covers off me and rubbed my eyes. 

"Good morning, Mey-Rin, is it supposed to storm today?" I asked and she looked outside and noticed the sun was hidden behind the dark grey clouds. 

"So it seems, now then let's get you ready. What would you like to wear today?" She asked and walked toward my wooden wardrobe and pulled out some dresses. 

"The dark blue one please." I said and she paused. 

"Wouldn't you like to wear something more colorful? It would bring joy to this dismal weather." Mey-Rin asked and I just got up and walked toward the window. I looked off into the distance and saw the outline of the woods.

"Not today." I replied and she let out a sigh. 

"As you wish." She replied and lightly grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the window. Something seemed off today and I think I knew what it was. I just didn't want to believe it. 


I walked down the long hallway and headed toward the dinning room to meet Ciel for our daily breakfast. I opened the heavy wooden doors and Ciel sat there and looked up and gave my a smile. I knew it was fake but, I gave him a smile back. 

"Good morning Ciel, how's breakfast?" I asked and he took a bite of his pancake. 

"Good. Anyway, I'll be going into town today is there anything you would like while I'm out." Ciel said.  

"Hmm, there's this new candy that came out I heard its all the rage." I said and he nodded.  I saw Sebastian place a tea cup in front of me and I thanked him. 

'Sebastian?' I thought and I looked over and saw him close the lid to the tea pot. 

'Yes?' he replied. 

'You both won't be coming back from town today?' I asked and grabbed my teacup and took a sip. 


'I'm not stupid Sebastian I heard you talking to Ciel a few days ago. I assume the contract is ending?' I replied. I saw Sebastian wheel the cart out and shut the door. 

'What will you do?' he asked and I looked over at Ciel and he tilted his head at me.

"What?" Ciel asked and I laughed. 

"You have syrup on your face." I pointed out and he quickly grabbed a napkin and wiped his face. 

'nothing. This is what he wanted and I won't stop him. I just ask you to bring him back, I want to put him to rest.' I asked. 

"Better?" Ciel asked and I nodded. 

'I will.' Sebastian replied. 

"You know, a letter came in. Elizabeth is having a masquerade ball.  I'm sure she'll want you to wear matching couple costumes." I snickered and Ciel bent forward. 

"As if!" He replied. 

"Maybe, you can be sailors or a prince and a princess or..." I rambled. 

"Shut up!" Ciel replied and leaned back into his chair.

"Ok, ok!" I laughed and Ciel turned towards me a smiled. 


"(nickname)?" Ciel asked and I hummed. 


"Could you organize some of the documents, particular the ones in the bottom right drawer in the study?" He asked.

"You sure ask a lot of me." I pouted and got up and rubbed Ciel's head, messing up his hair. 

"Hey!" He replied and pushed my hand away. 

"Yeah, sure don't worry about it." I replied and he nodded. I then walked toward the doors to exit. 

"Y/n, make sure you decide soon." Ciel said in a serious tone. 

"Yes, don't worry. I have it all figured out." I replied. 


"Ciel, I love you, take care ok?" I replied and gripped the door handle. I couldn't bare to face him, I needed to stay strong. 

"No need to worry, I love you too (nickname). When I get back we can play a game of chess together. This time I'm sure I'll beat you." He laughed. 

"I'll look forward to it." I smiled and left. 


Once they left I walked toward the study and ] pulled open the small compartment in the desk. I saw a small book with a note attached to it. I sat down and turned toward the window. I opened the letter and read it. 

Dear (Nickname), 

As you may now already, Sebastian and I are going into town to hunt down the person who killed our family. I am going to be ending the contract and Sebastian will take my soul. I know this may be hard for you and to some degree it's hard for me to. I don't regret my decision, the only thing I regret is not telling you sooner about the contract. Maybe, if I did we could have figure out more about your mark.  

I prepared a small farewell gift for you. It's a photo album of the pictures we took together, some are from before the fire. Please, take care of yourself, I know whatever you decide is whats best for you. 

Farewell Y/n. 

"Miss?" Mey-Rin asked and I folded the paper and took a deep breath and turned around. 

"What can I do for you Mey-Rin?" I asked. 

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." I smiled and she nodded. 

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