Chapter 7

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Your Pov 

....The next day....

"Ciel what's wrong?" I asked and he slammed his hands on the desk. 

"It wasn't him." Ciel replied and tossed me the morning newspaper. 

ALERT! Jack The RipperStrikes Again! 

Body found in an alleyway by a young common woman. The Scotland Yard is looking into the case. Stay tuned! 

I folded the paper back up and the study door's were opened by Grelle and Madam Red walks in with a cup of tea. She looks over and notices our faces and sighs. 

"What's wrong? What happened? she asked and I handed her the paper. 

"It seems the Viscount wasn't our target afterall." Ciel replied and Madam Red stood there in shook. 

"Well, know, what?" She asks and hands the paper back to me. 

"Now we find a new plan. I won't let this case end until I find the actual culprit. " Ciel answered and I noticed Madam Red's face darken. 

"Whatever you say, well if you need anything from your aunt let me know, anyway Y/n." she asked. 

"Yes?" I replied. 

"How was your evening with Lord Adrien?" she asked and I smiled. 

"It was quite nice, I really enjoyed his company." I replied and giggled. I looked over at Ciel and saw him looking at me. 

"What?" I asked and he smirked. 

"Out of all my years living with you, I've never seen you this happy." Ciel replied and I scratched my cheek. 

"Well, do you plan on meeting with him again?" Madam Red asked. 

"Well, I-" I paused and felt my stomach turn and I felt like I was trapped in a snowstorm, I felt so cold. I grabbed my arms and started rubbing them. 

"Y/n? are you alright?" Ciel asked concerned and I nodded. 

"Just cold is all." I replied and smiled. 

"Its 75 degrees out." Madam Red replied. (This is in fahrenheit, so it should be around 23 degrees celsius). 

"Are you feeling unwell lady Y/n?" Sebastian said while walking into the room.  I turned and faced him. 

"Y/n maybe you should go lay down." Ciel replied. 

"A bath would probably make you feel better." Madam Red said and I sighed. 'I can't wait to go home.' I thought.

"Sebastian, please take Y/n back to her room." Ciel ordered and I got up and Sebastian bowed. I followed Sebastian out of the room and down the long hallway. As we walked down the hallway my body only became colder, my limbs began to stiffen and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I slowly came to a stop and noticed Sebastian's figure in the distance.

"S-sebastian." I wheezed and felt my body fall forward.

"Lady Y/n? Are you alright?" Sebastian asked and caught me. 

"I-i'm.....cold." I said and began to close my eyes. 

"Y/n?" I  heard a voice say and I felt my body being pulled up. Everything was such a blur and I felt like I was traveling so fast. but, I knew I was most likely delirious. I felt my body begin to heat up and my vision began to adjust to my surroundings.  I looked around and saw nothing, it was so dark. I felt my body being engulfed into the void. 

"Why does this feel so familiar?" I asked and I slowly began to sit up. I tried to get up but, my limbs were being held back down by thick black matter. All I could see was a faint light behind me, no more like it was coming from my back. 

"Where am I?" I asked like a was talking to a person or being. 

"You're awake." A dark voice said and I noticed the darkness let go of me and slowly began to form into a figure. I slowly sat up and noticed I was in my room laying on the bed. I noticed that the curtains were closed and the black mist turned into a person. 

"S-sebastian?!" I said in shock and he walked over to me and sat down on the bed. I slowly backed up and hit the headboard. 

"W-what are you?!" I asked and Sebastian turned towards me. 

"hmm, so you don't remember, as I thought. You were young and the human brain is very complex." Sebastian stated and I sat there in shock. 

"W-what are you-" I then felt Sebastian grab my face and I looked into his eyes and noticed they were glowing. 

"As much as I want to explain things to you, it's not time yet." Sebastian said and leaned back. 

"I don't understand what are you talking about?" I replied and Sebastian rubbed his face.

"You don't know how hard it is, the amount of effort I put into trying to win your affections...well it's not like that's an issue and now it's going to be for nothing." Sebastian rambled and paced around the room angrily. I sat there confused. 

"It's time to go to sleep." Sebastian replied and got up, picked me up, and tucked me under the blankets. I felt him touch my back and said something and looked down at me. 

"I-" I said and Sebastian shushed me and I felt dizzy, my vision slowly faded into black. 

"......." a morphed voice said and everything turned black. 

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