Chapter 33

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A/n: This chapter is a series of flashbacks

Your Pov 

....later that night...

five years old

"You know I don't particular like your attitude." 

"Vincent please-"  a male voice said. 

"That's Earl Phantomhive to you, why should I care about your needs-" 

I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder.  I looked up and saw Tanaka. 

"M'lady, you shouldn't eavesdrop on your father's conversation's." Tanaka warned. 

"I know." I said and began to walk away. 

"Y/n, there you are." My mother said and grabbed my hand.  

"Where are we going?" I asked and my mother laughed. She brought me outside and then covered my eyes. 

"Hey! I can't see!" I whined and she continued to laugh. 

"That's the point silly, I wanted to show you something." she said and brought me forward and then stopped. I smelt the air and it smelt of flowers. 

"Ok, you can open your eyes now."  My mother said and I opened my eyes and saw a field of red roses. 

"Wow! There so pretty!" I shouted and ran over to the rose bush. 

"Be careful, they still have thorns!" My mother shouted and I ignored her and reached out toward the flower. 

caw, caw

I looked over and saw a black bird perched on a tree. I walked over and saw the bird looking down at me. I looked over and noticed my mother had disappeared. I watched the bird swoop down and perch on my shoulder. I looked to my left and the bird tilted its head. 

"What are you doing?" I asked and the bird started flapping its wings. I sighed and tried to push the bird of my shoulder but it wouldn't move. I rubbed my face and then walked back over to the rose bush. I looked at the roses and noticed how many thorns there were. I reached out and traced my fingers against the petals. 

I looked back at the bird and noticed it was looking toward the manor. 'Now my chance.' I thought and grabbed the rose and then winced. I looked down at my hand and noticed puncture marks. I noticed the bird look down at my hand and then back at the manor. It quickly flew away and I looked around. 

"My, what happened to your hand?" A figure asked and I looked up and saw a man with dark hair. I looked down at the ground and tapped my foot. 

"I grabbed the rose and it hurt me."  I mumbled and the figure crouched down and placed a handkerchief around my small hand. I noticed the figure place his hand over mine and said something and pulled away the cloth. 

"Wow! how did you do that?" I shouted and looked at my hand, noticing there was nothing on it.  The figure then started to walk away but I grabbed his hand. 

"Hey wait! Don't go yet!" I said and the figure smiled. 

"Unfortunately, I have to go, chaton. But, we'll meet again we are tied together after all." the figure said. 

'Tied?' I thought

....another memory....

4 years old 

I walked around in the garden and I walked over and climbed up onto the swing. My legs dangled and I looked around. I felt the swing dip and I looked over and smiled. 

"Bassy!" I said and grabbed his arm he shook his head. 

"I would rather you not call me by that nickname, chaton." he replied. I felt my back sting and I grabbed it. Sebastian looked over and at my back. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

"Nothing." he smiled and a rose appeared out of thin air.

"Wow, how did you do that?" I said and grabbed the rose. 

"You know, you can eventually do this if you chose it." Sebastian replied. 

"How?" I asked and played with the petals. Sebastian looked down at me and crossed his legs. 

"All the choices you make, decide whether the 'mark' grows or not. The more you distance yourself from me, the mark will go away." Sebastian said and I pouted. 

"But, I don't want you to go, you are my friend." I replied and Sebastian let out of soft laugh. 

....another memory....

8 years old

"Hello, again chaton."  a familiar voice said.  

"Hello." I replied and Sebastian walked over and sat next to me. 

"What seems to be the matter?" He asked.  I looked down at my hand and started to twiddle my thumbs.

"I was wondering, what is this mark your talking about? How did it appear?" I asked. 

"Well, this mark ties us together, It appeared when we first met. It's like it magically appeared, is the best way to put it."  he replied and I tilted my head. 

"That made no sense Seb, but, who put it there." I asked and crossed my legs. Sebastian turned around and faced me. 

"You did." Sebastian replied and I rubbed my head. 

"Huh?" I replied and Sebastian just patted my head. 

"That's enough questions for today." He replied. 

"Y/n?" I heard a voice and I picked up my head. 

"Seb?" I mumbled and he tilted his head. 

"I haven't heard that in a while." He laughed and I rubbed my head. 

"How long was I out for?" I asked, changing the topic. 

"an hour at most." Sebastian replied and I sat up and leaned back into my chair. I rubbed my back in pain. 

"Next, time I fall asleep at my desk, please wake me up." I replied and Sebastian laughed. 

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