Chapter 20

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Your Pov

....Later that night....

"Mey-Rin please take Elizabeth to the guest room." I asked and Mey-Rin saluted me. 

"Thanks for letting me stay Y/n." Elizabeth replied and I nodded. 

"It was too dark to send you home alone. Ana already contacted your parents and I put some of my clothes in your room." I replied and Elizabeth waved goodbye and followed Mey-Rin into the spare bedroom. 

"Lady Y/n, are you ready for bed?" Ana asked and I nodded. I followed Ana down the hall and noticed the sun setting in the horizon. 

"Lady Y/n, can I ask you something?" Ana questioned but, didn't look back. 

"Yes?" I replied. Ana stopped in front of my bedroom door and grabbed the handle. She opened the door and I walked in.  I noticed she paused and looked out the window. 

"Ana?" I asked and she just smiled. She quickly shut the door and grabbed my nightgown.  

"Let's get you change and tucked into bed." Ana spoke fast. It all happened so fast one minute I was in my regular daily clothes the next I was laying down in bed. Ana looked out the window and closed the curtains. 

"Ana, what's going on?" I asked. 

"Don't worry m'lady, just close your eyes and rest." Ana replied. I then heard gunshots outside.

"Wha--" I yawned and suddenly my body felt heavy. The air had some sort of fragrance but, I couldn't tell what it was. 

"Night, Lady Y/n." Ana smiled and my eyes felt heavy. I tried to fight to but, it felt like someone was pushing me into the bed. 

...Inside a dream.... 

"Hello? Is anyone home?" I shouted and walked out of my room and into the hall. As I was walking down the hall, I looked outside and noticed it was snowing. 'Why is it so quiet?' I continued to walk around the manor. Everything looked like it was frozen in time, nothing was moving, except for the snowy terrain. 

"Can I go outside?" A high pitched voice said. I turned and saw a small version of myself. 

"M'lady, you have to stay indoors, The snow is getting heavy. I'll go make you some hot chocolate. Please wait here, I'll be right back." Tanaka said. I watched Tanaka's figure fade away and noticed my figure running down the hall. 

"Hey wait! Where are you going?" I asked and followed behind. My younger self then started laughing and ran outside. 

"Wow, it's snowing!" 

caw, caw 

"Hey give that back!" My younger self shouted. I turned around and saw the orange glow from my visions.  I ran behind and stopped outside the forest, that surrounded the estate. 

"What are you doing outside little one?" I heard the same morphed voice ask.

"I wanted to play outside but, this bird took my hat." My younger self said and I looked up and saw The figure step out from behind a tree. 

"A bird you say?" The figure laughed. 'Wait, that can't be.' I thought and watched the figure step forward into the light.

"Wow, your eyes are so pretty!" 

"S-sebastian." I said but, no one could hear me.

"Why, thank you. What is your name?" Sebastian replied. 

"Y/n Phantomhive." The younger me said. I then heard my parents voices echo through the field. 

"It seems you've traveled too far. let's get you back inside." Sebastian replied and smiled. Sebastian picked me up and ran past me in a flash. My vision faded and I was back in my room.  I watched Sebastian tuck the younger me into bed. 

"You should get some rest." Sebastian replied and walked toward my large double door windows. 

"Where are you going? Don't leave. I haven't even gotten your name."  

That's when I looked over and faced the same glowing eyes, I've seen in my visions. 

"My name is Sebastian." He replied and vanished into thin air.  I stood there trying to process what all just happened. 

"He lied to me but, why? And what is this 'mark' he keeps talking about?" I thought out loud. I walked toward the window and looked out into the distance. I noticed the same black bird who took my hat flying through the snow storm, I shut my windows and face toward my younger self.  'Why am I experiencing these memories now?' I thought.

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