Chapter 38

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Your Pov

...a few days later...

I looked outside my window and saw the clouds were dark grey. 'It must be getting ready to storm.' I thought. 

knock, knock

I heard the door open and look over my shoulder and see Sebastian peak into my room. 

"I wanted to let you know that I will be heading into town, will you be ok while I'm out?" Sebastian asked and I nodded. I cold feel my chest tighten, I knew he felt guilty. I wasn't sure if it was because of his mark or if he genuinely felt that way. 

"I know you aren't talking to me, but, do try to talk to the others. I know the young master is worried about you." Sebastian replied and I looked over and nodded. I then heard him sigh and then walked away. After I found out the truth my body just seemed to shut down, I didn't know how to feel. Was I supposed to go along with whatever I was feeling or was that just an Illusion. 

'Maybe I should go and see him.' I thought and walked toward the study. 

knock, knock 

"Come in." Ciel mumbled and I opened the door and walked in. Ciel looked up from his papers and looked at me in shock. 

"I'm glad you decided to come out of your room today, I wanted to go for a walk around the garden but, it seems it might storm. What do you say we play a board game instead?" He asked and I nodded. 

"Alright, then." Ciel smiled and set his paper aside and grabbed my hand. We then walked down the hall. I then spotted the others and they were whispering something. I felt Ciel grab my hand and smiled at me. 

"What are you all whispering about?" He asked and they all bowed. 

"Nothing!" They all shouted. 

"Could you three, please go and fetch a board game?" Ciel asked. 

"Which one would you like us to get?" Mey-Rin asked and Ciel looked up at me. 

"Just get all of them and bring them to the sunroom. Also, bring some blankets, snacks, and refreshments." Ciel ordered. 

"On it!" They all shouted and I got pulled along. Ciel pushed open the sunroom doors and we sat down on the hardwood floor. Two seconds later the servents came bolting back and forth with our orders. Ciel got up and laid out a blanket to sit on and then grabbed a fuzzy blanket and wrapped it around me. 

"Better?" He asked and I nodded. 

"Thanks." I replied and he smiled.

"Of course, what game should we play first?" He asked and laid out all the board games. I crawled over and grabbed the boxes. I then picked up 'Big Ben.' game. (a/n: pssst, hey! this is just Jenga).  I then opened the box and dumped out the wooden pieces. I then slowly started stacking the pieces into a tower. 

"Alright, I'll go first." Ciel replied and pulled out a wooden block. 


After the game was over Bard brought over some tea and placed it next to us. I then looked over and pushed it aside. 

"Do you not like tea anymore?" Ciel asked and I nodded. 

"How about some hot chocolate?" Bard asked and I nodded.

"Wait, Bard, can you get me some too?" Ciel asked and looked off to the side. 

"Will, do." Bard replied. 

I looked down at the tea cup and saw my reflection. I heared Ciel clear his throat and I looked over. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it closer to my body. I new I probably looked like a two-year old. But, I didn't care, I felt safe. 

"So are you going to tell me why you suddenly don't like tea?" Ciel asked. 

"I-" I then felt my chest tighten and I grabbed my 'heart'. 

"Y/n? Are you alright? Please tell me what's wrong." Ciel asked and reached over towards. I then hit his hand away and got up in alarm. I looked down at my hands and the back at Ciel. I backed toward the wall and grabbed my head. 'What is wrong with me?' I thought. I felt like the walls were caving in.

"Y/n?" Ciel said and walked toward me. 

"S-stay back!" I said in a morphed voice. I hadn't yet learned how to fully control my demons powers and this scared me. I was scared that if Ciel got any closer I would hurt him. Because of this I only seemed to make things worse. 

"Y/n, calm down. It's ok." Ciel said and I looked over at him. I could sense his fear, even though on the outside his was fine. 

"N-no it's not! You are clearly scared of me." I replied and I grabbed my eyes. 

"Y/n, please, I'm not-" Ciel said and I heard Bard's footsteps. 'I need to go, they can't see my like this.' I thought and looked toward the window. I quickly dropped my blanket and speed over to the window. 

"Y/n! Stop!" Ciel shouted and I jumped out the window and ran as fast as I could. I didn't turn back, I couldn't bare to see the look on their faces. 

Ciel's Pov

"Young master, why's the window open?" Bard asked and held a tray with our hot chocolates. I quickly shut the window and walked out of the room. 

"Young master? what happened? Where's lady Y/n?" Mey-Rin asked. 

"She's gone." I mumbled. 'Please, wait for me, I'll come find you. Just please don't do anything irrational.' I thought and rubbed my face. 

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