Craezy (Valkyrae)

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(This will kind of be like the Chapter "Nerd". I'm out of ideas atm, sorry.)

(Your POV)

Back then, in middle school, I had a huge crush on this girl named Rae. I always thought we would be a cute couple. I had dreams about being with her and I would daydream, thinking about her only. She's so beautiful, inside and out. I fell in love with everything about her. Her looks, her personality, her style, I literally love everything about her.)

I would do anything to be in the presence of her. Whatever class she had, I would always try my best to switch to whatever class she had, giving the most excusable reason there was to give in order to do it. Sometimes it would work, sometimes it wouldn't. But I did it enough for her to come up to me and say,

Valkyrae: Geez, we have almost every class together.

When she said that, I knew she was the one. I wanted to marry her. I would sacrifice my own parents to be with her. I know I was crazy in love with Rae. I'd stalk her instagram, looking at every photo of her every night. I even cut out her school photo from the yearbook, taped it to my wall and every night, I would kiss her goodnight. I was super weird, I know, but I didn't think that at the time.

I thought about confessing to her soon. I would look in the mirror and practice my confession to her. I couldn't wait to build up the courage and ask her out. But one day, that changed and I lost all feelings for her.

Basically, there was a day when all the popular kids would throw water balloons at the nerds. Of course, nobody but the popular kids knew about this. Sadly, I wasn't given word about this, even though I was super cool. So on that day, I was confused on why water balloons were being thrown.

If you weren't a nerd but not a popular kid, you got to watch the popular kids throw the water balloons at the nerds. But if you were the nerd, you had an unlucky day coming towards you. I'm not sure why the popular kids were doing this to the nerds, I'm sure it's for their own entertainment and I'm surprised teachers let this happen.

As the day started, popular kids started throwing water balloons at people. It wasn't too much though, only one water balloon would be thrown at them. I was lucky for a few hours, as I wasn't targeted at all. Still, I didn't know why other people were getting water ballooned, but I was happy I wasn't getting hit.

During lunch, I just won my 100th Pokemon battle against my friends. I was so happy and I celebrated. After the battle, I needed to use the restroom, and I put my Pokemon cards in my pocket. That was a mistake, a real big one.

As I made my way to the bathroom, I saw Rae waiting in front of the bathrooms. We both looked at each other and she smiled at me.

Valkyrae: Hi Y/n!

My heart instantly melted when I saw her smile and when she said hi to me.

You: H-h-h-hi!

Valkyrae: (Giggles)

When she giggled, my whole body melted like my heart. I thought I was finally getting recognized by the person I love, but it was only for a bit. Rae brought out a water balloon she was holding behind her back and threw it at me.

You: Ah! Hey!

Valkyrae: Oh sorry~ I thought you needed to cool down. That Pokemon battle you had with your friends seemed so heated.

You: You were watching?

Valkyrae: (Giggles) Yeah... And I gotta say,

Rae snapped and three of her friends came out of the girls bathroom. Two of them had a basket full of water balloons and they all grabbed one.

Valkyrae/Pokimane (And Others!) x Male Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now