A Talk with Imane (Pokimane's Story)

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(Short Chapter)

(Your POV)

Me and Poki started another Minecraft session 5 hours ago. Like always, she streams our session and I just record it. Even though I said going to an Ocean Monument would be difficult to conquer, and going to a Woodland Mansion might not be worth it, we still got maps to both places and explored them since Poki wanted to check them out.

In the Ocean Monument, Poki died a lot and I had to cheat so that she had an easier time in the Monument. But for me, I was prepared for it and didn't die once. I made sure that I brought my Netherite armor and tools that were decked out in enchantments and brought a lot of buckets of milk. In the end, we got the gold that was hidden in the Monument and even got sponges from killing Elder Guardians.

After the Ocean Monument, we followed the map to the Woodland Mansion. It was a much more easier task for Poki but she did die a couple times. And just like my experience from exploring Woodland Mansions, I didn't find anything that was any use for me, except for a nametag for Garfield. Anything else, I gave to Poki. In the end, Poki got a lot of loot in the Mansion and we both left with a few Totems of Undying, which unfortunately, Poki used one of them when we were heading back home.

But now, we are back home and our session has come to an end. We put everything we got from the Monument and the Mansion in our chests of valuables.

You: Alright, I think that's all for now.

Pokimane: Yeah, we did a lot. What a session!

You: It was alright. I'm just happy I got sponges and Totems.

Pokimane: Well, I'm happy that I got to play with you again and get all this loot. Thanks for an pog session.

You: Haha, you're welcome. Our next session will be epic.

Pokimane: Why's that?

You: Because we're going to fight The Ender Dragon.

Pokimane: (Gasp) Yes! I can't wait for that!

You: Its going to be awesome. But I'm going to stop my recording.

Pokimane: Okay.

I went into OBS and stopped recording the session. Now that I stopped recording, it's time to say goodbye to Poki.

You: Alright, play again tomorrow?

Pokimane: Yeah, but wait. Can you stay for a bit? I need to ask you something.

You: Yeah sure, what is it?

Pokimane: First, let me stop my stream.

You: Okay.

I lean back on my chair and wait for Poki to do her outro for her stream. I have a feeling about what her question might be and honestly, I'm a bit excited for it. I continue to wait for her to finish up and after a couple minutes, she finally ends her stream.

Pokimane: Alright, I'm done.

You: Okay, so what's up?

Pokimane: Hold on.

By the way, me and Poki are still in the game. She goes in our chest, takes out a single Oak Plank and places it down.

Pokimane: I'll go on one side and you'll go on the other side.

You: Wait, why?

Pokimane: This'll be our little discussion table.

You: Oh, haha! Okay.

Poki stands on one side of the plank and I stand on the other side. We both face each other and crouch.

You: So, now that you ended your stream and that we have a discussion table, what did you want to ask me?

Valkyrae/Pokimane (And Others!) x Male Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now