Best Fronds

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Anne was inside of a thrift shop,she was inside the store looking at the box on the top shelf.

" Alright Anne you can do this," Anne reassured herself as she grabbed the box and looked out the window to see Sasha and Marcy encouraging her while Y/n look unsure and unnerved.Anne finally stuffed it in her backpack and walked out of the store like nothing happened,she had an uneasy,nervous look on her face.

Later at night,the four were in a park staring at the box.

Anne opened it as various lights flashed before them causing everything to go dark.

Anne awoke shouting,her face was sweating and she needed to take a breather." Guys!Guys!Guys!I just had the craziest dream I was trapped in a world of frog peop-Oh, " Anne paused looking at the Plantar's who were all staring at her.
" They gave me the same look too, " Y/n said staring at Anne.

" Hey Anne!Y/n!Sleep good? " Sprig asked advancing forward but Hop Pop quickly stopped him.

" Careful boy!It could be hungry. "

" For your guts, " Polly added.

Y/n only sighed in annoyance as Anne's gaze went from her to the Plantars." Dude,relax,I am not going to eat something that clearly doesn't bathe, " Anne spoke up as Hop Pop glared at her." Fair point, " Hop Pop finally says.

" See!Told you they were harmless, " Sprig stated.

" Hmph!For now, " Hop Pop said leaving as Polly jumped out of her bucket and stood on the stair steps.

" Just give me an excuse to use old doris here, " Polly says before leaving.

" I'm in danger,with no source of weapon or security,like in that one Duo match me and Marcy played, " Y/n says a bit sad as Anne speaks up," I think the little one wants to kill us."

" Yup!So,you must so excited to be trapped in another world,very jealous, " Sprig commented.

Y/n look nervously at the floor.

" It's not all that,I miss my home,my stuff and friends.I mean I have Y/n here but.... " Anne says glancing at Y/n who was staring at a picture of her own.She didn't seem to be listening to Anne and Sprig's conversation much." We weren't...that close," Anne says to Sprig as he glances as the other girl for a brief moment." Without them,I just feel kinda lost ya know,and the fact that Y/n reminds me of hurts," Anne continues.Sprig seemed to be in thought.

" Well then,why don't I be your friends in the mean time! " Sprig declares as Anne looks at him.

" You? "
" Me! " Sprig shouts happily.
" You? " Y/n says quietly finally paying attention.

" Come on!It will be fun!What did you guys do together? " Sprig questioned.

" Everything!Marathon,dumb tv shows,drink Boba till we vomited,hung out at the beach- " Anne explained until Sprig snapped his finger having an idea." Oh!We've got a lake,would going there mean making you two feel less home sick? " Sprig questioned as Anne examined her photo while looking at Sprig to see if it adds up,she finally laughs and gives in." I like your moxy frog child,let's do it! " Anne proclaims as she stands up.She grabs Y/n's hand and hoists her up," Come on get ready, " Anne states getting the appropriate attire on.Y/n seems startled as she nervously smiled," hehe ya,I'll be ready in a minute, " she proclaims.

' Maybe if I pretend Y/n is Marcy it will help me feel better, ' Anne thought as Y/n finally was ready.

" You two ready to go? " Sprig asks excitedly.

" Ya! " Anne shouts.
" Ya,heh...I'm ready, " Y/n says less enthusiastic.

" And where do you three think you're goin'? " Hop Pop stopped them before they could go out the door.

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