Plantar's Last Stand

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" Ahh,the Wortwood farmers market, where salt of the earth frogs come to sell stuff and fill up on free samples," Sprig said holding a jar and eating the jam inside.

" That wasn't a sample"
" Bleh,now it's like nothing happened!I-I can pay for that "

" Good morning Mrs,Croaker," Anne,Polly and Y/n greeted as the elderly frog examined Hop Pop's plants.

" Oh!I'll take this here gangly gourd Hopediah"

" Oh I sense a batch of croaker stew coming on," Hop pop replied.

" Hmm,hang on there Sadie,you don't want that one," Hop pop said hopping over his stand and taking the veggie away from her to examine.Upon examining he opened it to reveal," ah ha!A gourd maggot,these guys taste terrible," Hop pop explained as the creature climbed on Anne who screamed and through it accidentally on Y/n's face who ran away as Anne chased after her.

" Here,take this one instead it's maggot free," Hop pop said handing Sadie a different Gourd.

" Classic Plantar honesty,I've been buying from this stand since your father's been running it,and y'all have never steered me wrong," Sadie exclaimed leaving.

" Very impressive Hop Pop," Anne said coming back with Y/n.

" That is a Plantar difference Anne,you can't taste honesty but if you could-"

" It'd taste like a Plantar's stand vegetables," Polly and Sprig recited bordly.

" This stand is the heart and soul of this family,I'd don't know what I'd do if we ever lost it," Hop pop explained.

" Bad news everyone bad news! " Toady said handing Hop pop a rolled paper.

" Gotta run away before you read it," Toady said leaving.

Hop pop pulled out his glasses as he opened the paper and started to read it.

" Say what!? " He said in shock before explaining." Mayor Toadstool is quadrupling the rent,and he wants it in three days!? " Hop pop practically shouted as many other frogs seemed to not like the idea.

" At this rate we'll loose the stand!What are we going to do? " Hop pop questioned as Anne started to think as she gave a small suggestion.

" Anne!We're a vegetable stand! "

" No I mean we need our own snuggaroo,a flashy new product,some ha! " Anne thought taking a cut open vegetable and squeezing the juicy into the jar and shaking it." Introducing Plantar's potion,a hearty mix of vitamins and minerals that'll extend your life and keeps you regular," Anne explained." Wowser,all that in one jar? " Hop pop questioned," heck if I know,I just made all that up but health drinks are all rage back at home,the best part we can charge through the nose for em," Anne said handing the jar to Hop pop." I don't know what a nose is but it's worth a shot," Hop pop said walking up to the crowd." Eh,new product,new product everyone!This here is a freshly made bottle of uh,what was it again?Plantar's Potion! " Hop pop announced as Wally spoke up.

" Does it taste good? "
" Well no, haven't tried it yet"
" Oh "

There was an awkward pause until Anne shouted," hey Hop Pop,can we chat for a second? " Anne called.

" Sprig work the crowd," Anne said as Sprig went to entertain the crowd.

" Dude,if you want to sell this stuff,you've gotta sell this stuff,big promises ya can't keep and junk," Anne explained." Did you forget this stand is built on honesty? " Hop pop questioned.

" Hop pop in three days there won't be a stand," Anne stated.
" It's true,but then again are we executing this right," Y/n said as she applied some lotion from her bag onto her face.
Hop pop thought for a moment before looking up at his sign,he then sighed and walked back to the crowd," I'll give it a try," he said to Anne before leaving.

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