After the Rain (Unedited)

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This is heavily unedited just a heads up 👆

" Yo guys!Check it out!Me and Y/n got a mail fly message! " Anne yells rounding the corner as Hop Pop,Polly and Sprig were eating and sitting at the table.

" Jealous,I never get mail "
" Open it!Open it! "

" Wait let me go wake Y/n up! " Anne says leaving to the basement for a second.

" That girl's still asleep in the afternoon? "

A few minutes later Anne was dragging Y/n out of the basement and towards the Plantars.

Anne then proceeded to open mail.

" It's from Marcy!She says we're ready to travel to the first temple! " Everyone except Y/n,who was just now waking up,cheered as Anne continued.

" Oo!She even included a check list of things to bring!Let's see here,food,weapons.."

Sprig and Polly already check those off.

" Cool what else? Armor!Armor? " Anne repeated realizing they didn't have any.

" Got it covered!Believe it or not I made each of you your very own armor," Hop pop states.

" Really? "
" Cool! "
" Seriously!? "
" Meh "

Not even a moment later after wearing their so called armor,the kids looked disappointed.

Y/n fell backwards onto Anne causing Anne to get stuck on her back as Y/n laid ontop of her.

" Help!I'm down,Anne's down! " Anne yelled trying to get Y/n off but she didn't budge.

" Hop pop!This is the opposite of a suit of armor! " Polly complained as Sprig fell over aswell.

" Exactly,less mobility means less trouble," Hop pop says to Polly.

" Ya,ya.Hey Anne anything else on that list? " Polly questioned boredly looking at Anne.

" Oh ya,just one more thing- " Anne started saying trying to grab to paper from behind her.

" Y/n you're making this difficult roll over," Anne says.Y/n then rolled onto Sprig causing him to wheeze.

" Now where was I?Oh ya!The music box! " Anne finished as Hop pop gave a look of distain.

" Uh right,the music box!No problem!My contacts will have it ready by tomorrow," Hop pop lied.

" Help me," Sprig says gasping for air.

" Great!You're the best! "

-Later that Night-

" All packed and ready to go....gah!To excited to sleep! " Anne says aloud.

" Quiet,I'm trying to sleep Anne," Y/n drowsly says.

" You were litterly asleep all day! " Anne interjected as Y/n slowly sat up in her bed about to say something to Anne when both heard foot steps from upstairs.

" Sounds like someone can't sleep either," Anne said getting up.

Y/n rolled her eyes," Don't stay up too long," Y/n says laying back down.

Anne watched as Hop pop went outside and started digging,Anne thought he was being classically weird and decided to sneak up on him to scare him.

" I-it can't be!The music box!It's gone! " Hop pop says in panic.

" What." Anne's voice was heard behind him,clearly in disbelief.

" Anne!What are you doing here? " Hop pop pointed accusingly.

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