Toad Catcher (Unedited)

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Footsteps could be heard as Sasha raced through the woods,dodging killer bugs and jumping over large gaps.

She finally landed in front of some makeshift objects that looked similar to the Plantars,Anne and Y/n.

She glared and charged smashing and crushing the makeshift plantars with ease.

The only two make shift objects that were left were the ones that looked like Anne and Y/n.

Events from the last time they saw each other plagued her thoughts.

" Trial by combat! "

" I don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me!I DIDN'T JOIN YOUR GROUP TO FIT IT,I JOINED TO KEEP MY SISTER SAFE FROM IDIOTS LIKE YOU "

" It's over Sash.Youre not gonna push us around anymore."

" hey Anne,maybe you're better off without me...tell Y/n....I'm sorry...for everything "

Sasha grunted shoving the makeshift Y/n down slashing her cheek the same way Y/n had done to her,then kicked the makeshift Anne causing it to fall ontop of the makeshift Y/n.Her sword was pointed at the two with anger as she breathed heavily.She stopped pulling out the two separate pictures she had before,the picture of an annoyed Y/n had now been torn in some places as the picture with Sasha,Anne and Marcy flipped for a moment to cover Anne.

She put the pictures away turning with a smile.

" Yo Grime,how was my form on that last kick? " Sasha called out but didn't see Grime anywhere.

" Grime? " Sasha questioned walking towards the small house in front of her,the door had a wanted poster of Grime on it.She opened the door," Grime are you- Oh my gosh! " Sasha said surprised at the state Grime was in,sitting on bags of grain with food on his lap and Sasha's phone propped on a barrel.Grime ate on the snacks as he watched Suspicion Island,he had grown a beard and had let go.

He laughed at a scene," Randy too?Everyone really is suspicious," he says as Sasha's shadow looms over him,he looks up to see Sasha with her arms crossed and looking very displeased.

" Hey what's up Sash," Grime said dismissing her upset demeanor as he snapped his fingers.

" Oh,I'll tell you what's up!You're sitting her binge watching trash tv all day when we're supposed to be training!What are you gonna do when someone comes to collect the big fat price on your big fat head? " Sasha questioned just as two cloaked toad's burst through the windows and attacked Sasha," Bounty Hunters! " Sasha yelled as she started to defend herself.

" Grime come help me take these guys down! " She yelled,but Grime seemed to be having trouble reaching his sword.

" Ahh you got this," Grime states giving up.

Sasha groaned annoyed," Ugh,okay guys...that's enough," Sasha said as the two toads tripped over each other and crashed into a barrel.

" Aw man,I landed on my favorite horn," Percy said honking his crushed horn.

" Percy?Braddock?Why were you- "

" Sasha thought a little action might help you get out of your rut," Braddock explained.

" So you staged this attack? " Grime questioned Sasha getting up.

" Sounds to me like you two belong," There was a pause as Sasha smirked.

" On Suspicion Island! " Grime finished as the three toads shared a laugh.

Sasha groaned face palming as Grime asked Pery and Braddock if they wanted to join him.

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