Lost in Newtopia (Heavily Unedited)

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" Welcome Ladies and Gentle-phibians to asafe,uneventful afternoon of touristy nonsense.It may not be as eventful as other tours but did I mention it's safe? " The tour guy said as they all sat in the tour bus.

" This is the last time we let Hop pop pick the activity," Anne spoke.

" Look Anne,we've got a few days to kill before King Andrias reveals his findings about the music box,and what better way to spend that time than learnin'! " Hop pop said causing everyone to slouch in annoyance,learning is something they didn't want to do right now.

Anne looked outside the tour bus window to see locals and their shops/markets.

" Oh wow!What's that place? " Anne questioned.

" Imminate danger!Look away! " The tour newt yelled.

" But imminate is the best kind of danger! " Polly yelled.

" I really don't want to stay here," Y/n commented slowly sinking out of her seat.

" Back in your seat Y/n," Hop pop ordered as Y/n groaned and got back in her seat next to Polly and Anne.

" Now then,what's the most important thing to do when visiting Newtopia?Any guesses? " The tour newt asked.

Anne raised her hand to answer,but before she was called on she decided to speak anyways.

" Eating like a local?Looking like a local?Partying with the locals! " Anne answered.

" Nope,it's getting to know the city from a safe distance.Like on this bus," The tour newt exclaimed.

" Such Wisdom," Hop pop says.

" I'm starting to dislike tours," Y/n flatly said.

" Ugh this is just like when I got traveling with my mom," Anne commented having a Flashback before having a mini break down.

" I didn't want the baby carrots mom!I didn't want em!Why,why why why! " Anne sobbed banging on the tour bus window,the Newt in the car next to the bus said nothing as she rolled up her window with a undisturbed expression.

" At least you went some where," Y/n spoke up.

" You know what? " Anne said pulling Polly and Y/n closer so she could be a little more quiet.

" What? " Polly replied.

" This time,I'm going to experience city the way the locals do,not sit on a bus like some dumb tourist," Anne had explained.

" And now a tour of the tour bus!This is a cieling,what a goof cieling.Not to be outdone by the floor," The tour newt gestures to the floor as a tourist claps.

" I'm getting out of here either way," Y/n says.

" Count me in!So,what do we do? " Polly questions.

" Follow my lead," Anne said as she started to hold her stomach.

" Hop pop!My stomach is killing me,can we go back to the hotel? " Anne fakes,Y/n stared at her for a bit but soon caught on.

" Uh me,I'll need to get off or I'll explode! " Polly said as many passengers gasped.

" Probably should of never ate that much before getting on the bus ya know? " Y/n added sitting in a fetal position on the chair holding her stomach.

Hop pop gasped," Why does this keep happenin'?Now I'll never make it to the cheese museum," Hop pop said sadly taking off his cheese hat.

" No!No,why don't you stay on the tour?So we can head back ourselves," Anne reasoned.

" Aaand we're back,but you three have to promise me you'll go straight to the hotel and no detours," Hop pop winced his eyes at them.

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