Return to Wartwood (Unedited)

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" Aaah how I miss the swamp air,the aroma of grass,a qhisper manure,and just a pinch of humidity.You feel that humidity girls? " Hop pop questioned looking at the two girl's who's hair was a mess.Though Y/n's wasn't as bad.

" A pinch "
Y/n snickered causing Anne lean on her getting her hair in Y/n's face.

Polly popped out gasping for air before speaking," I see it!I see it!I can see Wartwood! " Polly says as Sprig looks in aw at the familiar sight.

" Wart wood,mighty wartwood,I sing to thee,our mighty history- " Sprig sings playing his fiddle.

Mrs.Croaker was walking just outside of Wartwood entrance,she listened closely with a smile.

" Hey I know that irritating voice," She says using her tongue to ring the bell above the wartwood sign alerting everyone that the Plantar's were back.Everyone gathered around as the Plantar's entered Wartwood.

" Heya Folks! " Hop pop said hopping down.

" Hoppy! " Silvia was the first to greet Hop pop who was incredibly happy to see her.

" Any luck finding a way back to your world girls? " Loggle questioned Anne and Y/n.

" Not yet,but we're widdling away at it," Anne joked as Loggle giggled from the secret joke for him.

" Well if it isn't the Plantars,haven't seen you lot in a long time,definitely didn't see you on your trip," Wally said too casual.

" Whatever you say...Wallium," Polly grins causing Wally to walk away with his head down.

" That was so devious," Y/n commented as she and Polly shared a small laugh.

" Oh hey Felicia,where's Ivy? " Sprig questioned Ivy's mom.

" Oh she said she had something more important to do," Ivy's mom replied with her hands crossed.Sprig seemed deeply upset.

" Something about a- "

" AMBUSH! " Ivy said taking off her fake frog costume and tackling Sprig to the ground.

" Hi "
" Heya "

The crowd gushed at the two,which caused them to depart embarrassed a bit.

" Welcome-Ow!Back Y/n!Ow! " Toady said as Mayor Toadstool hit him with his gold cane.

" Simmer down now,simmer down.Market stops for no one,y'all can welcome back the Plantar's after business hours," Mayor Toadstool says walking away again.

" Oo!How about we all meet at my restaurant tonight,have a town dinner for the Plantars," Stumpy suggested.

" We're in,I can't wait for some authentic swamp cookin! " Hop pop says.

" And I can't wait for that newtopian Coral hand figment,thanks for picking it up for me," Stumpy said showing Hop pop a paper with what Stumpy expected,this caused Hop pop and Polly to make a face.

" Say,if we're all going to be together anyway,why not bring all the gifts from our wishlist? " Mrs.Croaker also suggests as everyone agrees.

" Gifts? "
" Wishlist? "
" For everyone???? "

" Great idea Mrs.Croaker," Hop pop says as Polly jumps off his head and gives a nervous fake yawn.

" Can we go home Hop pappa?I am so sweepy," Polly fakes with big eyes.

" Of course my child....okay here we go,come on kids! " Hop pop says rushing everyone back to the Fwagon and closing it.

Hop pop and Polly began frantically searching for something seemingly beneath the floor boards.

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