🥉Combat Camp🥉

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" I still can't believe you're bringing us to a day care Hop pop," Sprig states, everyone seems upset.

" Look I'm sorry ok,but I have to go to the annual crop convention.It's a long ways away and I can't leave you kids on the farm for the weekend," Hop pop exclaims.

" Whaaaat "
" WHAT "
" Vaguely understandable "
" Ugh,Are you kidding? "

" Wish I was Anne,but you kids need super vision.Why sometimes it feels like we have two wacky adventures a week," Hop pop says seeming disturbed.

" Here we are! " Hop pop said as they arrived at there destination.

The door swung open revealing newt,he came out and started to introduce himself.

" Greetings,I am Tritonio Espada,the instructor of this daycare "

" Huh I thought Briar and Iris bogwater ran this place," Hop pop questioned.

" The bogwater's retired last year,and sold there business to me "

" Well in that case,I am Hopediah Plantar.This here is Sprig,Polly,Y/n,and Anne," Hop pop introduced," These two may be gigantic but they're both children."

" Hey! "
" Excuse me "

" Ah yes,I shall educate them and teach them true discipline "

Hop pop seemed to take a liking to Tritonio Espada,but pronounced his name wrong.

" This isn't so bad I guess,there is a cool Tower "

" I'm going to climb it "

" You guys don't understand,Tritonio is a teacher! Enemy of all that is good," Anne spoke.

" What's so bad about teachers? "

" Let's just say,me and them don't mix," Anne states having a flashback.

" Teachers,they just don't like me, probably because they just don't like my care free spirit "

" Teachers ignore me all the time.That's why I sit in the back of my class and say nothing,I'm none existent,except when nobody wants to answer a question," Y/n says

" Welp kids,looks like you're in great hands here with Tritonio,crop con here I come! " Hop pop said leaving with Bessie.

" Finally,it is just us now.So let us cast aside these illusions yes," Tritonio said ripping his fancy clothes away to reveal his true look.

" Woah "

" And this is no mear daycare,this is a combat crash course,for kids, " Tritonio states kicking the sign until it was showing it's true look.

" Adults,they shelter there children,I say no.Teach them to fight,for danger lurks around every corner in Amphibia,stay on your toes,trust no one...AH look over there! "

" Ah what is it?Danger? " Sprig said looking away only to be hit on the head with a stick.

" I said trust no one!Now follow me and we'll begin the next lesson! "

" Hit me again Tritonio! "
" This guy is awesome! "
" I could do with some combat training! "
" Eh we'll see "

" Your first lesson is to pick a weapon,find one that resonates with you "

" Cool "

" Oh what are these? " Polly asked.
" Ah the noble boom shrooms,small,unassuming,but in the right hands," Tritonio started holding one and pushing the step in." EXPLOSION! " Tritonio said throwing it in the air as it exploded.

" Perfect for you,I think "

" Who's next,no wrong answers "

Anne went to pick a sword but was admittedly stopped by Tritonio, " NO WRONG! "

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