Stake Out

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Sprig and Polly were doing the dishes while Anne,Hop Pop and Y/n were sitting on the couch.

" Look dude,all we're saying is that if we had a couch this firm we would get arrested for it, " Anne spoke," ya,society is no joke, " Y/n comments as Hop Pop spoke." Back in my day we didn't have furniture,we sat on rocks,sharp ones, " Hop pop explained cracking his legs as he crossed them together.

" Ugh this is so heavy, " Y/n says and Anne as she and Anne can barely hold a box of vegetables up.Just then Anne tripped over a rock causing both her and Y/n to fall.

" Back in my day kids spent less complaining and more time watching there step, " Hop Pop stated as Y/n glared." Well where I'm from,people fix there crummy houses, " Anne said as Hop Pop gasped." This house is like family,you apologize! " Hop pop shouted.

" Apologize to what?To a house? " Anne shouts.

Inside the house a bang was heard as Anne yelled at Hop Pop to stop hitting the door.

" It's been two hours!Four counting Y/n's two hours! " Hop Pop stated.

" Well where I'm from we didn't rush people when there using the bathroom! " Anne yelled.

" Well back in my day we didn't have a bathroom! " Hop pop replied back.

" Oh my goodness,drop it Hop Pop! " Y/n said getting tired of the arguing." You drop it, " Hop Pop shouted back.

" Ugh I can't take this anymore! " Sprig said as Polly spoke," uh there just getting used to each other,it's not a big deal." Sprig looked at Polly like she was crazy," not a big deal?Do you remember the Hendersons next door?They used to argue all the time and look what happened to them," Sprig said pointing out the open window to a run down,destroyed and abandoned house to see Wally stealing some dishes.

" It won't be long before this bickering tares this family apart! " Sprig explained pacing back and forth.

" I think we should just give them some time,its not like we have a lot of options,we can't just force them to get along, " Polly exclaimed as Sprig got an idea," of course we will, " he says before leaving.

Later on when everyone was outside Sprig had came and shouted, " We've been robbed! "

" Say whaaaat? " Hop Pop said in disbelief as Anne and Y/n laughed at what he said but quickly apologized." must be painful making no sense all the time, " Hop Pop said.

They all followed Sprig.Hop pop gasped,

" My prize winning corn, " Hop pop said.

" wait, " Y/n said in disbelief," You've won prizes? " Anne questions for Y/n as Hop Pop's face goes sour." It's an expression," he explains crossing his arms." What are you two the fact police? " Hop pop questioned in annoyance.

" This demands justice!The only way we can catch this monster is a stake out! " Sprig announces as everyone seems to agree as Sprig announced that only Y/n,Anne and Hop pop could do it.Anne had questioned why Polly couldn't do it until Hop Pop butted in." Polly's a baby, " Hop pop says," she's just asking, " Y/n defended Anne.Hop pop grumbled about the two falling asleep first," oh we'll fall asleep,aren't you like a hundred years old? " Anne questioned as she and Y/n angrily followed Hop pop.

Later that night,Y/n,Anne and Hop pop waited on the hill for the monster to come.Anne and Y/n were looking at a book until Hop pop turned around and spoke," for goodness sake's you two,turn that light out,we're trying to catch the thief not scare it away, " he says as Y/n glares," we were in the middle of reading something but ok," Y/n says in a fowl mood.Anne just gave a look as she turned out the light,soon after she yawned.

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