A Day at the Aquarium

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It was early morning,as the Plantars ,Anne and Y/n walked down the hall towards the King.The kids still tired from not getting enough sleep due to their late night sleep over.

" Wonderful to see you all again! " The King welcomed to which everyone greeted him.

" So,ask me if I've found anything about the box," King Andrias says acting quite giddily.

" Did you- "

" BINGO! " Andrias said,not giving Anne a chance to ask before he burst into laughter,he settled down before pulling out an old book.

" Tada!Take a gander! " He says placing the book down so that the group could read,everyone gasped seeing the pictures.

" It's the music box! " Sprig pointed out the obvious.

" According to this book it's a magical artifact that is thousands of years old,apparently,my ancestors used it to visit entirely different worlds.They were,peaceful explorers,scientist if you will.These three stones are the key to get it working again,but they need to be recharged," Andrias explained.

" Recharged how? " Anne questioned.

" The book mentions three different temples,each channeling a different kind of energy.One in particular,channels two.Once the stones are recharged-"

" We'll have a way home! " Anne interrupted.

" Steal my thunder why don't you...but YES!Boom! " Andrias says flipping the page and showing stones recharged,the other page showing various planets including earth.

" I don't believe it,a real chance to get home "
" Goodbye survival,I won't miss you "

" Right,now let's get out of here and concur those bad boys!Whoo hoo! " Marcy exclaimed.

" Woah let's rane those snails in for a sec,the book only gives the location of ONE temple.Besides,you still have a lot of preparing to do before you set off," Andrias exclaimed stopping them.

" Good point,got to get equipped for a Mega quest like this!Armor to buy,maps to study,weapons to forge!This is gonna take a few days," Marcy says.

" Few days huh?Well I'd hate to say it but we'd really need to get back to Wartwood,the harvest is coming up and we can't miss it! " Hop pop states.

" Okay Marc,Me,Y/n and the Plantars will head back to Wartwood,and when your ready we'll just meet up," Anne spoke up as Y/n agreed with her.

" Woah,woah,woah!It doesn't really make sense for either of you to go back to Wartwood," Marcy said to her sister and Anne as everyone except Andrias seemed shocked.

" The last thing we should do is seperate again,now that we're so close to finding our way home," Marcy explained.

" I guess that's true- " Anne says as she eyed Y/n,the two exchanged reluctant glances as if wanting to say something,but kept ultimately dodging the things they wanted to say.

" Guys,right now you've got to follow your head not your hearts.The Plantars got you here,to me,now it's time to let them get back to their lives.Why don't you guys take the day to say goodbye," Marcy suggested as everyone gave a dishearted and sour expression.

King Andrias noticed offering them tissues to lighten the mood,upon realizing it wasn't working he went to go get some.

-Back in the Fwagon-

The Plantars,Anne and Y/n were very disheartened at the fact that Anne and Y/n would have to say goodbye soon.

" I knew this day was coming but ouch it hurts more than I thought," Y/n broke the silence.

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