Swamp and Sensibility (Unedited)

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It was daytime as the Fwagon continued on the road.Anne,Sprig,and Y/n were inside the Fwagon watching a show on Anne's phone.

" Don't you get it mother, I know you want me to be a ballerina but my heart belongs to hip hop,are you disappointed? " The girl in the show questioned.

" No,I'm proud of you,all that hopping and hopping was breath taking," The mom on the show said as the daughter and mom cried together.

Anne cried too,but it stopped as soon as it appeared," and that is master piece From Point to Poppin! "

" How much storage do you even have on your phone for these," Y/n questioned.

" Well talk about an emotional rollercoaster," Sprig spoke up just as the Fwagon hit something causing Sprig to fall on the floor.

" Sprig you Alright buddy? "
" Bet that hurt "
" What the hecks going on out there? " Anne questioned.

" Come on Bessie,almost better," Hop pop said as he guided Bessie up the hill,but soon as they made it up the rane broke.

" Oh dang it,the ding dang rane snapped," Hop pop exclaimed as Bessie's pull fell off,she looked and saw some fly sheep and started to chase one,dragging the Fwagon with her.

" We've got to get these rane's fixed or we can't control Bessie! " Hop pop states.

" Don't worry Hop pop,there is a town right down the road,see?Ribbitvale! " Sprig said pointing to a location on the map.

" Ribbit vale?The most expensive town of all Amphibia?No way! " Hop pop denied.

" Looks like we don't have a choice Hp," Anne said as Bessie stopped to cuddle with the sheep fly.

" You're right,but when we get there don't get sucked by the fancy! " Hop pop exclaimed as they went into Ribbitvale guiding Bessie to the entrance before stopping for a breath.

" Guys look! " Polly yelled pointing to the shiny streets.

" So shiny,so sparkly " Polly said just as Hop pop sprayed her with water.

" Hey hey!I said look away from the fancy! " Hop pop glared.

" It's like nothing I've ever seen before!A ten teir fountain,a solid gold snail carriage,there's even an eyed Wally! "

" One Eyed Wally!? " Everyone said quickly standing in front of Wally.

" You did tell me you were leaving the valley you scamp! " Anne spoke to Wally.

" William,you know these pungent common folk do you? " An older frog with Wally questioned.

" Uh yes father,I met them on my business travels," Wally said nervously.

" These must be your servants from Wartwood then "

" Servants!? " Hop pop said in disbelief.

" Yes that's right father these are my servants," Wally said patting Polly's head,only for her to grab his arm with a death grip.

" And this must be some kind of exotic beast you tamed,not one but two!Though I suit would of had them stuffed," Wally's father laughed shoving Anne with his cane,Y/n was slowly tried to pull out her scythe but Anne gave her a ' Don't ' look,so she put it away as she and Anne glared at Wally.

" Any how,I am Wigbert Ribbiton," Wally's father introduced himself finally.

" Ribbiton!?As in ribbiton Ribbins??The finest Rib-crusty(??lol) floss in all of amphibia! " Hop pop questioned.

" That's us,and when I retire William here will head of the Ribbiton family empire,right William? " Wigbert questioned.

" Right father!Can't wait for that! " Wally said rather quickly,but it was shortly followed up with a sigh and a frown.

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