Handy Anne

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" Spring is finally here "

" Spring was always my favorite season next to Fall "

" Alright guys,new season new possibilities,I'm ready to blossom into my best self! "

" Sooo you're feeling better about the whole Sasha incident? " Sprig questioned as Anne had flash backs.

" Sprig! " Y/n shouted looking at him like he asked the most horrendous question.

" No no it's fine but yup!Totally fine! "

" Oh cool,because if I had to fight like that I'd be devastated,heck!I'd just be upset hearing someone talk about it!" Sprig continued to chatter.

" Oh look!Hop pop and Polly! " Anne pointed as the three walked towards the edge of the roof and peeked down at Hop pop and Polly.

" You woo! " Hop pop waved them down.

Sprig,Anne and Y/n started to head down,but Anne slipped and fell onto Y/n.

" My back- "

They soon recovered and walked towards Hop pop.

" Woah Hop pop what is this thing? " Sprig said noticing the new wagon Bessie had been pulling.

" Impressive huh,this here's an all terrain custom model family wagon.Callin it the Fwagon," Hop pop explained.

" That's ... original "

" fwagon?Really "

" Cheap too "

" The previous owners died in it! " Polly added seeming to like the thought of someone dying in the wagon.

" Why do we need a new wagon? "
" Fwagon "
" Not calling it that "

" Well with the snow melted and the mountain pass open,we can finally travel outside the valley.To Newtopia! " Hop pop explain more to Anne.

" Oh my frog! We're going to Newtopia!? "

" What's a Newtopia "
" Sounds crowded and fancy "

Inside the wagon Hop pop opened a map on the table for Anne and Y/n to see," it's the beating heart of Newtopia," Hop pop started as he pointed to where it was.

" A metropolis full of ancient knowledge,run by the wisest of newts,if anyone can help ya get home it's them," Hop pop spoke.

" Woah "
" So mystical "

" I can't believe it!You mean this actually could be our ticket home?Not only that but maybe on the road we'll find Marcy! " Anne questioned.

" Oh my gosh,when can we start! " Y/n said suddenly almost eager to get moving.

Hop pop chuckled," Yup!Pack your things kids we leave tonight! " Hop pop declared as Sprig and Polly race inside to pack up.

" I'll go get the little things we have Anne,you can count on me! " Y/n said before smashing into the door,she shook her head," How did that get there? " She questioned before leaving inside.

" Hey Anne,since Y/n is packing the little things you both have could you give this spare key to Chuck when he swings by? "

" Who's Chuck? "

" We play Big ball together "
" He grows tulips "

" Hmm nope not ringing a bell,why does he need a key "

" Because I hired him to protect the house from all the things waiting to destroy it "

" Wait what!? "

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