Anne vs Wild

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" Hands have been feelin pretty dry,that will not do," Anne spoke looking through her back pack for something until she pulled out a small bag,she looked inside and gasped.

" Oh my god,guys!I brought a bathrobe home and didn't even know it!O-oh ya man I can't wait to try this baby out," Anne says but looks confused as she questions what the Plantars were doing.

" Uh,you guys going somewhere? " Anne questions as Y/n runs out of the house a little nervous as she stops to listen.

" Yup,the three of us are going to camp flemington,gotta roughin it outdoors and get filthy! " Sprig exclaimed as Anne frowned." You're going without us? " Anne questions as Y/n dusts off her clothes before cough out dust herself.

" Huh? " Y/n questions since she wasn't fully paying attention to the conversation.

" Sure are,when we campers camp,we camp hard!No sense in you two coming with us and being miserable,besides it's not like you're alone," Hop pop explains.

" We know you both hate dirts,bugs,rocks,nature "

" You're both soft Anne,just like babies "
" Really you should be glad you're not going with us " Hop pop concludes as Y/n and Anne glanced at each other." That's ridiculous,us?Soft? " Anne questions as she puts away her bath bomb," just because we're not Plantars doesn't mean we can't have a good time with you guys," Anne says." It's true,now take us with you," Y/n adds backing Anne up.

" Please please please! " Anne begs.

" Are you sure?I wasn't kidding when I said rough "
" And I wasn't kidding when I said you two were soft "

" Of course we're sure,right Anne? "
" Super sure"

" Hop pop,come on guys if they say they can handle it,they can handle it! " Sprig backs them up.

" Well,alright kids,Hop on! " Hop pop says as Y/n and Anne cheer as they get on Bessie.

" Psst,guys.Since you're coming with us, we've gotta laven you up with this gunk,only way to keep the ticks away," Sprig says wiping the gunk on Anne and Y/n's face.

" I think it went into my eyeball ," Y/n commented as Sprig proceeded to spread gunk across there faces.

" Totally not regretting this," Anne spoke.

They had soon arrived at the campsite as Sprig hopped off," can't wait to tell scary stories!The more frogs running from deranged pychopaths the better," Sprig states as Polly hope off next to him."I'm just happy to be off the farm,so much fresh air and it's all mine," Polly says taking in a deep breath before letting the air blow out sending her flying into Hop pop." I personally love the piece and quiet,a frog can really hear themselves think out here," Hop pop states as he closes his eyes.

" Well that was a mistake," Hop pop said after a few seconds.

Anne seemed to be edgy as Y/n took a stick and poked a bug that was trying to eat her shoe.

" You sure you two want to stay Anne,you can take Bessie home if you need to," Hop pop spoke walking over to the two.

" No."
" Hey hey hey hey hey!How about you stop questioning our decisions and get to camping together already?Who's with me! " Anne shouts as everyone agrees.They started off with fishing as the Plantars seemed to have fairly small catches,Anne suddenly felt a fish pull her harshly making Y/n drop her fishing rod to grab onto Anne as they both were pulled into the water and swimming away for there lives.Next they started to set up there tents,Sprig had completed his with ease and Anne and Y/n stood over a poorly made small tent watching as it collapsed.Somehow it caught on fire as everyone hurried to put the flames out.They were soon carrying water,Anne stopped to scratch her back,she turned to see a giant spider on her back as she yelped," get it off get it off! " She shouts as the spider jumps on Y/n's face as she screamed before tossing it,to which the spider soon started chasing them.The night wasn't so great either as Anne's sleeping bag rolled off the hill and into a thorn bush area.Y/n quickly got up ready to help her only to accidently bump into a tree causing a nest of small bees to attack her as she fled.

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