Anne Theft Auto

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Everyone was on Bessie the snail riding on the sand like trail,it was quiet until Hop Pop spoke.

" Ah,a leisurely outing with Bessie,why she can go anywhere,do anything," Hop pop states.

" Oh!Can we get swamp slushies?They have new flavors! " Sprig asks as Hop pop laughs and replied," nope."

" Can we go off road and do some crazy stunts? " Polly questions Hop Pop," double nope."

" O-o!Can I drive? " Anne questions.

" Sure! "
" Aw come on Hop Pop,wait really? " Anne spoke.
" Absolutely,I've been trying to teach this guy for years," Hop Pop exclaimed pointing to Sprig.
" It's true."

" All right,give me those reins,I'm ready to drive," Anne spoke.

When they got back to the farm Hop Pop placed a big book on a log in front of Anne." Why did I secretly predict with was going to happen? " Y/n said as Hop Pop spoke," not before reading this you aint," he says as Anne looks confused." This is Bessie's history,before touching a snails rein you've got to know em',feel there heart beat next to yours," Hop pop explained." Hop Pop it's just a vehicle,we had a family car back home no biggie," Anne said but Hop Pop shoved the book in her hand not listening to what she has to say.

" Are there pictures?"
" There are diagrams," Hop pop said as Anne responded with a loud no.

" Dramatic much?Now if you'll excuse me,Polly's due for a wash," Hop pop said as he walked over to Polly an picked her up as she defied him taking her for a wash.

" Ugh,I'll be old before I finish reading this thing," Anne states," here let me hold it," Y/n says skimming through the pages as she sat on Bussie's saddle.

" Ya, page 5 is as far as I got,too much description not enough plot," Sprig spoke up.

" This is ridiculous I don't need her story," Anne began as she hopped on Bessie in front of Y/n who almost fell off." I need experience,heeey,what do ya say we take a harmless test drive?Prove to Hop Pop we're fast learners," Anne questioned holding her hand out to Sprig as Y/n continued to skim through the book.

" Hmmm,you get the feeling this is one of those decisions we'll look back on and say whoo boy,we probably shouldn't have done that," Sprig spoke." We'll get swamp slushies while we're out," Anne bribed." No regrets," Sprig said hopping on Bessie and sitting next to Y/n." That's what I like to hear! " Anne said as Bessie started to move leading them away from the farm.They had sped Bessie passed a old civilian riding on her lady bug causing her to spin for a second before halting," out of the way slow poke," Sprig said being foolish.

" Hooligans!Ruffians!Swamp suckers!" The lady yelled.

" Still reading that book? " Sprig asked Y/n," It's called Skimming,only certain people can master it," Y/n said as she continued to Skim through pages quickly.

" What was that back there? " Anne questioned Sprig.

" Road rage,I've always wanted to try it," Sprig explained.
" And the verdict? "
" Exhilarating."

Anne and Sprig laughed as they stopped stopped to get Swamp slushies,they had gotten three and headed back to Bessie,Y/n took hers and smiled nervously as Anne gave her a thumbs up.

Later on the three were driving down the trail," Anne you were right!We didn't need to read some silly book,you drive just fine," Sprig stated as Y/n had already finished skimming through the book and placed it in the saddle pouch." psh just fine?Boy I'm a natural,oh!Wanna take this baby off road? " Anne questions," as long as you can find your way back," Y/n states." Of course I can," Anne says as she steers Bessie off course and into the woods,the three laughed as drove off two small cliffs until they stopped." woah,so off roading fun,but how about we go back on road? " Anne says as Y/n and Sprig both agree." Ok Bessie,let's go," Anne says but Bessie wouldn't budge," uh Bessie? " Anne says looking down to see Bessie hiding in her shell.

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