Croak and Punishment (Unedited)

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It was early in the morning as Anne sat outside in a blanket drinking a beverage,she was adjusting to the light with Y/n,who was wrapped in a blanket on the ground clearly not caring for the dirt,as her company. Sprig soon popped up calling the two.

" Guys!Guys!Guys!Gu- " Sprig paused and patiently waited as Anne held up a finger for a moment of silence,she motioned for him to continue," Guys!Guys!Guys!Look what I found! " Sprig said pulling out a pretty blue shell." A blue moon shell! " Sprig spoke again as Anne made a small tired comment.

" Yup!And guess who's gonna love it? Ivy! " Sprig announced.

" Tomorrow's her birthday,and this is the perfect gift," Sprig explained just as Hop pop walked out the door with Polly.

" Mornin Kids!Time to start the chored-Woah!Is that a blue moon shell?Ah beautiful,you know some frogs die never having seen one," Hop pop stated.

" Haha!Suckers! "

" Anyway,chore time.Up and attem' Y/n,Bessie's waste ain't going to shovel itself," Hop pop said as Y/n sat up,she shook dirt from her hair before finally having the will power to stand.

" Welp!Don't want this thing getting dirty," Sprig said laying a small napkin on the fence and placing the shell on top of it,ready to leave it as he whistled.Anne stopped him before he could leave," wait your just going to leave it? Someone's going to steal it," Anne told Sprig." No they won't this is Wartwood,not some den of theives," Sprig said to Anne obviously not too worried about it being stolen.

" Someone gonna steal it," Y/n says with her eyes still closed as she tripped over the fence,luckily Anne caught her in time.

" You could at least cover it up or something- "

" I will do no such thing,I trust my community,and quite frankly Anne I pity you for not trusting yours," Sprig said.

" Ok,ok shesh," Anne said.

" Kids!Get your butts over here! " Hop pop said as Anne,Sprig and Y/n put on gas masks of there own," coming Hop pop," they said leaving.

After a while,the three started to return to the fence after finishing there chores.

" At least that's over with "

" Well I'm scarred for life "

" My soul will never know peace "

The three commented about there chores as they neared the fence.

" Yup,but never mind that,see?The blue moon shell,right where I left it," Sprig paused for a second before starting to freak out," What!Shell?The shell's not here!I've been robbed! " Sprig shouted.

" Well we don't want to tell you we told you so,but- "

Anne paused as she and Y/n stared at Sprig circling on the ground being very upset the shell is gone." Ivy's birthday is tomorrow,and I've got nothing! " Sprig stifled as his breathing was staggered.

" First off,calm down," Anne said giving Sprig a plant that was similar to a bag so he could breathe.

After he calmed down Anne spoke again," secondly,look for clues," she stated as she started looking on the ground.

Y/n watched her seemingly some how knowing what she was thinking.

" Well well well,what do we have here? "

" Oh that's just wax yarn,we sell it at the Grub and Go," Sprig explained.

" Well,let's Grub and Go there to catch our thief! " Anne said.

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