Flood,Sweat and Tears

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" You ready? " Sprig asked Anne as she replied," you set em' up and I knocked em' down."

" Ok! "
Sprig says leaping into a hole in the dirt as Anne waited," come on!Come on! " Anne says waiting for a bug to appear.Just a second later Sprig had pushed a bug out of the dirt,it screeched as it charged at Anne.

" Back hand! " she says hitting the bug with her tennis racket.

" Nice swing, " Sprig states.

" I was on varsity! " Anne explained confidently.

" I have no idea what that means, " Sprig says as the two do a hand shake.

" A frog child and a monster from the woods,getting along?So unnatural, " Wally spoke as Anne brushed it off," of course we're getting along,we're Sprig and Anne," Anne started.

" Anne and Sprig! "
" Spranne against the world! " The two say.

" Disgusting, " Wally says moving on.

Suddenly Hop Pop yelling was heard," was that Hop Pop? " Anne questions.

" Sounds like he's in trouble,we're coming Hop Pop! " Sprig shouts as the two race inside to the basement only to see it flooded.

" Woah what happened in here? " Anne asked as Y/n who was already on the steps looked at Anne," Hop Pop said something about burrow bugs," she spoke as she clenched her belongings as Hop Pop appeared.

" Our room!My stuff! " Anne says as Hop Pop spoke," Don't worry Anne I saved your stuff, " Hop Pop says placing Anne's bag on Y/n.He didn't really save much but her bag though,everything else was floating around in the water.

" Just- how long till it's fixed, " Anne questions.

" Well,gotta find the leak.Then patch it up good, " Hop Pop stated,

" Ooo let me help! " Sprig says leaping towards the water but was caught mid air by Hop Pop." Oh no you don't!This here's river water,no telling what creepy critters are around, " Hop Pop explains.

" Uh so where are me and Y/n going to sleep? " Anne asks.

" Well the living room ain't no palace but the couch is comfy, " Hop Pop says.

" Ok,see ya, " Y/n says but before she can leave Sprig stops and says," uh hello?Anne and Y/n can bunk with me in my room!How fun will that be? "

" Roommates?Heck ya! " Anne says excited.
" Roommates....oh boy, " Y/n says less enthusiastic.

" I don't know,being friends is one thing,but roommates?Ya think ya know someone until there in your space and you're in theres and then they can't stand how they whistle all the time,and they complain whenever you clean your webbed crusties out.Yes I have to do it in our room it has the best lighting! " Hop Pop very specifically explains," My point is...aaaand there gone, " Hop Pop says looking at the empty door way.

" Mark my words though,no good will come from this,no good at all " Hop Pop says descending into the lake water.

" Here we have it, " Sprig says hopping into his room.

" Woah," Anne says amazed.
" This is nice, " Y/n comments.

" Awesome digs Sprig, " Anne compliments.
" Thanks!I'll give you both the grand tour! " Sprig states showing them his action figures until Anne hit him with a Pillow," what was that? " Sprig questioned.

" What?Haven't you ever heard of a pillow- " before Anne could finish Sprig had hit a pillow in her face.

" It's on! " Anne said as she and Sprig hit each other,a pillow was then thrown at Y/n who was drawing in her small sketch book.It caused a hole to tear in it as she grit her teeth,but it goes unnoticed as she forces a smiled on her face that was very deceiving and believable as she got up and slammed a pillow at each of there faces.The pillow fight nearly caused one of Sprig's action figures to fall so he moved one of them to a higher shelf.

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