Trip to the Archives (Unedited)

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" Now remember kids,the mountain pass will clear up in one week.Meaning,it's almost time to leave this valley and Find Anne and Y/n a way home," Hop pop stated as they drove far from Wartwood.

" Whoo! "
Anne cheered but Y/n stayed silent.

" And you know the best way to start a quest? "

" Teach them? "
" Weapons? "
" Nope! Research! "

Hop pop stated as everyone,even Y/n seemed to groan.

" Oh come on gang, we'll never get to get these two home if we get bit by a venomous snake fly," Hop pop tried to reason as he listed off possible dangers that they could encounter on there trip." Ok,ok,ok enough death already,shesh,I'm beginning to think you guys are obsessed," Anne admitted as she crossed her arms and leaned on Y/n who didn't seem to mind.

" Ugh,the town's archives,this place is dustier than Dusties work bin," Sprig commented.

" Who? "
" Come on,you know Dusty,local merchant,friendly,always smiling,sells dust," Sprig explained.

" Oh ya ya,right "
" I get this place,it's like a library from our world.Zoobook zoomunga,here I come! " Anne said as Y/n seemed confused." Time to hit the books," Hop pop stated opening the door to the Archives,Y/n jumped off Bessie first as Anne grabbed Polly ready to head inside." Wait wait! Wouldn't it be better if we dive in head first into deadly situations? " Sprig questions," huh,Sprig's right Hop pop, research is overrated," Anne spoke up." Overrated huh?How's diving in been working out so far? " Hop pop questioned as Anne recalled various events on the journey and even in wartwood where they nearly got killed diving in head first.

" I'm sold into the Archives," Y/n said not even bothering to wait for them.

" Ya fair enough, research it is," Anne said as she and Polly left.

" What your siding with Hop pop? "

" This journey is going to take us beyond the Valley Sprig,who knows what we'll run into out there!Ow! " Anne said as she bumped her head on some rocks before entering the Archives.

" Ugh," Sprig said as they walked down the stairs.Once at the bottom Anne whistled," the Archives," Sprig's said with a grimace.

" This place seems really cool to me," Anne commented.

" Sure,it seemed cool until you realize your reading other people's adventures," Sprig said.

" I'm fine with that," Y/n commented.

" Ok enough prattle, we've got to get a move on before we get locked in here," Hop pop stated." I'm sorry what? " Y/n questioned.

" The door to this place is set on a sunlight timer,it opens when the sun rises and deadlocks when it sets," Hop pop explains casually." That is some steam punky no sense right there," Anne said as she,Polly,Hop pop and Y/n walked further.Sprig groaned as he mumbled insults about the archives,Anne stopped and started to read about the Archives founder/owner while they group listened.

" Microf Newtback (I'm not getting that right lol), Archives founder.This  structure,which was originally Newtback's home,was turned into an Archive after he died violently attempting to cross the valley," the labels seemed to cause everyone to have a change in mind as they separated to look for books to read.

" I'm gonna go read those book "
" No sir,time to hit them books "
" Uhh reading time "
" Better get to it "
" Gotta get my hands on them books "

Polly and Hop pop seemed to get distracted with certain books as Anne settled for a plant book and Y/n read about natural remedies.

Sprig started to bother Anne and Y/n but they didn't seem interested.

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