Family Shrub

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" You know Hop pop,back home.We call this a family tree," Anne stated.

" That's because everyone in your world is crazy," Hop pop says.

" Now where was I?Oh yes,great Aunt Gertrude, " Hop pop said flipping the page in his book," she was a masterful dirt driller,I mean how cool is that! " Hop pop said as everyone made a face.

" Oh and you can't forget second cousin Alfred,he was the king! " Hop pop spoke as everyone seemed interested.

" A king!? "
" Ya,the king of single teared irrigation systems," Hop pop went back to said person, showing them the page as the four went back to there bored expressions.

" Uuugh"
" Oh my goodness "
" Welp,ya lost me"
" Our ancestors were boring! "
" Were they really all just farm frogs?Where are the artists?The poets?The dreamers? " Sprig questioned." Just farm frogs,kids the point of the shrub is to give you an appreciation for your past.The Plantar family has layers,you just have to know where to look," Hop pop explained.

" Layers huh,ok then what's so special about her? " Anne said pointing to a random frog in the shrub.

" Oh, Pollyanna,she wasn't just any farmer.Brace yourselves....she was a turnip farmer," Hop pop said as everyone seemed bored again.

" Welp,as much as I would like to help,not going to find any of my ancestors on your shrub soooo," Anne said flipping on the couch next to Y/n who was trying to peel glue from her hands.

" Don't have to be blood to be a Plantar Anne"
" No but you do have to be a master stacker to be at level 46,if I can just-" Anne mumbled as she lost her game on her phone.

" Ugh,curse you seven death round!Why are you so hard "

" Anne this is based on nothing at all,but I'm most certain that,that game will rot your brain.Y/n doesn't have a device and she is fine," Hop pop pointed out as Y/n put glue in her face and peeled it off laughing.

" Ok she is an exception "

" Uh oh looks like we're out of glue,well luckily Y/n has one more " Hop pop says just as Y/n used the last squirt of glue to cover her arm.

" Figures."
" Does that mean we can stop? "
" Can we do something fun now?"
" No fun till the Shrubs done,just going to run to the store real quick and get some glue,be back in a jiffy," Hop Pop exclaimed going out the door.

" Don't go anywhere! " He shouted before finally leaving.

" Ugh,your lucky you're both outsiders,our family history is weak," Polly said.
" They didn't do anything weird,or different,or fun! " Sprig said hopping on a shelf and gesturing to a portrait." I mean look at this,even this paintings making me feel depressed," Sprig said leaving his hand on the photo causing it to push back,it started to move as the shelf dropped making Sprig fall.

" Sprig!You broke the house! "

The wood place shifted and moved revealing an entrance and stairs that led downward.

" Woah,oh wow this looks unsafe,we have to go down there! " Anne said.

" There could be treasure! "
" Or dead bodies!Let's do it! "

Y/n seemed cool with it as she grabbed the lantern,

" Here let me hold it so I can go first," Anne says placing a hand on Y/n's as she smiled and took the lantern.The four started walking down the stairs,the entrance unexpectedly closed on them.

" Uh,did we just get locked in here? " Sprig questioned.

Sprig and Anne started to bang on the entrance in panick as Y/n simply started peeling the glue from her skin thinking it was funny.

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