Toad Tax

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" Oh!Pill bugs are on sale."

" Oh!That reminds me,I need to grab some of that beetle jerky I like, can't believe I just said that," Anne spoke.

" Eh,I'll pass,jerky doesn't sit right,though I'm in a chocolate mood!I'm going to see what chocolate covered bugs they got...woah," Y/n said.

" I know right," Anne said noticing the twos slight change on certain food.

" Well imma head off and see what I can find," Y/n said as she glued her eyes to a book she was holding as she walked off.

" Alright kiddos,meet you both outside," Hop pop says.

" Hmm,that's interesting," Y/n hummed to herself,she looked up from her book and noticed a pollywog trying to reach for a candy bar on a high shelf." Here let me help you," Y/n said reaching for the candy bar and handing it to them." Thanks!Wow, you're almost as tall as the shelf,and I can tell you're a book worm,your practically a walking book shelf! " The kid said as they hurried away,Y/n shrugged off the nickname as she continued down the aisle once again returning to her book.

" Excuse me but you must really watch where you're going, you're practically a shelf!You could tumble over with one push," A Salamander said as Y/n looked away a little nervous.

" So sorry,getting attached to a book can really make you zone out," Y/n apologized.

" Hmmm,a walking bookshelf,that's amusing," the salamander said leaving with a laugh.

" Look mommy,it's the book shelf girl! " The pollywog said pointing to Y/n.Y/n quickly put her book away walking off, Anne suddenly crashed into Y/n as they tripped and fell on water," you'd think being as big as you are you'd notice the shelf in front of you,scare crow," Everyone laughed as Y/n and Anne blushed embarrassed as they both left the shop with grim looks.

" So did you get the beetle jerky you-hey what's wrong? " Sprig questioned.

" Stupid,stupid ugh,I'm not a book shelf," Y/n said angrily as she stormed passed them mad.

" Well,it's just,we've been here for over a month now,and the townspeople still treat us crummy.I just wish they were a little nicer," Anne explained." Oh that's just the way these frogs are,slow to accept and even slower to respect,it's actually our town motto," Hop pop exclaimed pointing to the sign at the entrance of the town.

" You'll find a way to earn there respect,in your own weird Anne and Y/n way," Hop pop said as Y/n grumbled.

" This is just like back home,only I was called a book worm,I'm not THAT much of a book worm am I? " Y/n questioned.

Everyone went silent.


" Oh come on! " Y/n said.

" Now,who wants pill bug pancakes? " Hop pop questioned.

" Oh!My favorite....."
" I've been here too long," Anne commented a little disturbed by her answer as Y/n and Anne climbed into Bessie ready to go home.They road pass the town square spotting a frog fixing up a statue of Mayor Toadstool," well that statues new"
"And tastless" Sprig and Hop pop commented as they continued on,but Bessie stopped abruptly as Anne tried to see what was wrong with her." Easy there,what's wrong? " Anne questioned as she turned to see what Bessie was looking at.In the distance she could see something coming towards them,it was a group of toads driving a spider making there way into town.Once they entered they hopped off as the one that seemed like the leader cracked his neck," ah nothing like cracking your neck after a long drive,ain't that right," the toad spoke.

" Oh good,you're here.Toady give him the list," Mayor Toadstool said as Toady did what he was told.

" Uuh,they are? " Y/n questioned.

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