Quarreler's Pass(Unedited)

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Note from Author-
      If there is a spelling mistake or writing mistake that's major please tell me,I didn't turn off auto correct 💀💀💀

" Hey looks like we're almost halfway to Newtopia Hp "

" Yup,makin' good time "

" I gotta say,this trips been a lot smoother than I thought it would be "

" Pfft "
" Yup "

" But the one thing I'd change "

" The only thing I'd change"

" STOP pushing me! " Sprig's voice was heard from the Fwagon," No you stop pushing me! " Polly's voice came right after.

" Iiiis that," Hop pop concluded as Sprig and Polly continued to fuss.

" Y'all still haven't blocked that out?I've done it for an hour," Y/n spoke up,her eyes clued to a book she was reading.

" Glad you're enjoying yourself "
" Thank you!Anyways. "

The excessive arguing continued as Anne and Hop pop tried to ignore the constant yelling and bickering.

" Two weeks of non stop arguing really starting to wear on me," Anne whispered

" At least they're keeping it in the Fwagon this time," Hop pop replied to Anne's comment.

" Don't- "

Just then Polly burst from inside the Fwagon pretending to be Sprig and messing with Hop pop.Sprig followed right after,pretending to be Polly and bothering Anne.

" Jinx it. " Y/n said annoyed as she looked up from her book,Polly and Sprig practly shouting in her ears trying to see who's the better impersonator.

" Okay this is incredibly annoying,but I have to say their impressions of each other are spot on," Anne spoke.

" Yup,always had a knack for that "

" I'm going to have a headache in a second," Y/n groaned.

" I don't think I can take two more weeks of this,if only there were some way to get them to stop fighting," Anne has said,tired of the constant punching and bickering.

Suddenly,Hop pop abruptly stopped the Bessie as Sprig and Polly fell over.

" I'm not loosing another book because you can't give someone as warning when you're stopping fast! "

" What the heck dude,I almost bit my tongue- "

Hop pop quickly silenced the two and pointed to the divided trail ahead.

" Quarreler's Pass,a road to reconciliation for weary travel mates....okay so what? " Polly questioned after reading the sign allowed.

" Wait.Polly,you don't think their gonna-"

Sprig didn't get to finish as him and Polly were dropped at the beginning of the second trail,aka Quarreler's Pass.

" WHAT! "

" You're seriously leaving us here? "

" Aw quit your belly aching,it says right here that the paths meet up eventually," Hop pop stated.

" Your fighting is driving us nuts,you've brought this upon yourselves," Anne said.

" Correction, it's driving YOU nuts "

" You wanna join em? "

" Absolutely not.Don't even let it come across your mind "

" This is all Sprig's fault!For being so sappy and obnoxious all the time," Polly yelled hitting Sprig.

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