The Second Temple (Unedited)

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Quick heads up,So I may skip a part to accommodate for her trial[specifically Valeriana talking to Y/n]since you guys already know what goes down with Anne

The first mini test will be Anne,the Avalanche will be Anne and Y/n and then it will cut to Y/n and Valeriana in an interesting way

Also keep in mind the more you read the more extra words and lines there are.Because I gotta make it feel like Y/n is there and not just a robot adding a few sentences

It was cold and snow littered the area as Joe Sparrow landed on ice,which wasn't the brightest idea since he started to slip and fall over.

" Welcome to the Amphibian Arctic everyone! " Marcy said happily popping out of the snow.

" Woah "

" I triangulated the tracking beam from the green stone and- Hop Pop move! " Marcy said as Hop pop apologized and flopped to the ground letting the green ray point in the right direction.

" The second temple must be right through there! " Anne says pointing through the woods.Everyone quickly followed and made it to the other side as the mist cleared to reveal a blue/orange gem on an arch.

" Just beyond these snowy gates,a grueling perilous temple awaits," Marcy read aloud as everyone stared at nothing.

" Um no it doesn't," Polly spoke.

" Could it be invisible? " Sprig questioned trying to see if he could lean on something invisible but ended up falling.

" All the ancient texts about this temple were super vague,they just mentioned Heart,and get this!It also said the temple is two into one,split in two in reverse,can't you believe," Marcy explained.

" So are we looking for something heart shaped and split? "

" Like a broken heart? "
" No! "

" Or maybe we have to rip a heart out! "

" Double no! "

Just then everyone screamed as a bird flew by.

" Hey I know that crazy bird! " Anne pointed as the group followed until they came upon a tent that said ' Valeriana's Mystery Goods'.

" Valeriana?Didn't we meet her in the Bizzare Bazaar? " Sprig questioned.

" Ya,and she said she's been all over Amphibia right?Maybe she's seen the temple...ugh why is she always out to lunch," Anne groaned seeing the sign.

" Inconvenience "

" No,because it's the most important meal of the day!It's been a while you creatures,what brings you here?Do you by a temple to charge an ancient stone? " Valeriana assumes as her skewered becomes her staff.

" Oh yes,you know about the stones? "

" Indeed,but do you really think your worthy? " Valeriana asks,her attention shifting from Anne to Y/n.

" Well,ya! "
" Totally "
" I mean I guess "

" We shall see," Valeriana says pausing for a moment before the others started introducing themselves.

Soon after introductions they gathered inside Valeriana's tent around a table as she spoke.

" I am the last of an ancient order,our purpose was to study the ancient stones and temples," She explained.

" So you know where the temple is? " Marcy asked.

" Indeed,and you possess the music box? " Valeriana questions.

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