Night-Drivers (Unedited)

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It was night time,the moon was red and owl creatures where whooing,the fwagon rode on the side of a cliff making a turn.Hop pop,Anne and Y/n were at the front of the fwagon with red eyes from tiredness.Anne nearly fell off the fwagon but Hop pop caught her and pulled her back,Y/n was still processing what happened.

" Check this out!According to this map,if we drive straight through the night,we'll be home by morning! " Sprig says to Polly inside the Fwagon.Polly sighed," Say home again."

" Just think,home for breakfast," Sprig says.

" Mmm pill bug pancakes "
" Hanging out with Ivy!...N-not that it's a big deal "

A loud screech and bump haunted Sprig and Polly from their thoughts.

Anne,Hop pop and Y/n came tumbling inside the Fwagon tired.

" Woah,where do you guys think you're going?We've got a schedule to keep! " Polly spoke first looking displeased.

" Guys.We've been driving non-stop for like 20 hours..." Anne said tiredly.

" I'm hallucinating," Y/n said cheerfully as if it were a good thing before collapsing.

" Just a little shut eye,and we'll be back on the road by morning," Hop pop exclaimed.

" But we're so close! "
" Ya,can't you just power through one more night?Please,please,please!I wanna sleep in a real bed "

" I know how you guys feel but you're not the ones who have to drive," Anne spoke up as Y/n slowly arose from the ground like a zombie.

" Hey,I've got an idea,why don't you three sleep and we get us home! " Sprig suggests.

" Ya,remember how we owned Quarreler's Pass? " Polly said with a grin at the memory.

" Oh ho ho,you sweet ignorant kids.Amphibia changes at night,and not for the better let me tell ya,the nocturnal leech flies are but enough,but I've heard folks tell of evil spirits wondering these parts.Real spookums and such,haven't seen them myself of course but of course could happen- "

" Mhmmhmm "

" Plus,neither of you read Bessie's driving manual," Hop pop added.

" But-! "

" Forget it,you're not driving and that's final "

" Now if you'll excuse us- "

" Spinach and Pomegranate you can't drive until you've read the labor book....what were we talking about again? " Y/n said as Anne face palmed tiredly before grabbing Y/n's hand.

" Now if you'll excuse us," Anne says pulling Y/n to the bed as the three collapsed on the bed.

" Anchovie your hand is sweaty- "

Anne simply hit Y/n with a pillow.

-A Few Minutes Later-

Sprig and Polly were on top of the now motionless Fwagon complaining.

" This is messed up.Sure we're young and we've made mistakes,but we've proven we can handle ourselves," Polly started.

" I know right!What in the world could be so dangerous out there that we haven't lived through already," Sprig agreed.

" I've been eaten eight times Sprig.EIGHT TIMES.I sorta look forward to it now," Polly says with a disturbing look.

" Hey wait,Hop pop,Anne and Y/n are asleep right?So asleep they won't noticed if we take the ranes and drive us home right now!And when they wake up,they'll be so greatful to be home,they'll forget to be mad at us! " Sprig explained to Polly who hopped up in excitement.

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