New Wartwood (Unedited)

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" Whoo!Look out Amphibia!It's Marcy's first day in Wartwood! " Marcy cheered,bursting out of the fwagon where she was residing.She was up early and excited to start the day,heading straight into the Plantar house and down to the basement chanting about her first day in Wartwood.

Anne and Y/n weren't bothered by her loudness and continued to sleep.

" 5 more minutes "

Marcy left the basement excitedly hitching a ride on Joe Sparrow as they soared into Wartwood town center.She got off Joe and instantly admired every detail about the small town.

" And now to introduce myself! " Marcy said appearing behind Sadie croaker who was looking to buy from a stand.

She didn't seem all too pleased with Marcy as she walked off with a grumble,Marcy tried to saying hello to the other frog but they just shut down their stand,closing it.

She tried asking questions to other frogs but they all seemed to find her weird or just avoid her.She decided to sit at the town statue,giving a not so good look at her first encounters.

" Hey Mar Mar,how's your first day in Wartwood goin'? " Anne asked,fully awake and walking up to her friend.

" Oh!Great.Did you know that this entire town is built on top of a swamp but never sinks?That's because the designers knew exactly how heavy to make everything! " Marcy explained as Anne gave a smile asking what else did she learn (Anne does not blush here she's LOYAL 😤).

" Small communities like this don't take kindly to strangers,which means I don't have a chance," Marcy says sitting back down sadly.

" Don't be ridiculous,of course they'll accept you! " Anne said in return.

" You sure about that? " Marcy corrects pointing directly next to her where a few frogs stood with fires and pitch forks,not surprising Polly was there.

" Come on guys she's with me,wait is that Polly? "
" I go where the mob goes Anne! " Polly yells before leaving.

Marcy sighed again," They'll warm up to you- " Anne started but was greeted by extra weight leaning against her.

" Warm up to what? " Y/n questioned still groggily from deciding to wake up and try not to sleep the entire morning and afternoon this time.

" To Marcy,they aren't exactly being welcoming to her," Anne explained.

" Huh,typical.And was uh Polly by any chance around her with a mob? " Y/n questioned as Anne gave her a surprised look.

" How did you- "

" She zoomed out of the house when she saw a mob in the distance," Y/n answered rubbing her eyes.

" Ya she was there,but let's not get off topic,Marcy.The point is it'll take time for them to get used to you," Anne explains in the kindest way possible.

Marcy seemed to think.

" Time...or maybe a strategy! " Marcy speaks up.

" Gonna still say time still "
" Safest option "

" Come on guys,people are just another puzzle to solve!Operation connect with Wartwood engaged! " Marcy says doing a dramatic pose before falling backwards and making the town statue break and fall over.

The town frogs gasped before getting angry at Marcy.

" No problem,no problem!I can fix it! " Marcy says taking out some potions and mixing them before applying some to the broken pieces and putting the parts back together.She then tied a rope to it and around a hog,making it run and lift the statue back up before dusting it clean until it was shining.

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