Hop Luck

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Anne was with Sprig,Polly,and Y/n showing them her original pet cat Domino from back home.

" And this bad boy is my kitty Domino,you guys would like her,she's got fire, " Anne states as Sprig,Polly and Y/n stare at the video of Anne's cat with interest.

" That's probably a cat I can love with....probably, " Y/n comments.

" Aw she's so tiny,I feel huge! " Polly states as Sprig takes the phone.

" Hmm, I will..set her free! " Sprig announced ready to smash Anne's phone with a hammer.Anne quickly snatched her device away from Sprig," Please stop doing that, " Anne states as Y/n hides her phone from view.

Suddenly,a disgusting smell had made its way to Y/n and Anne's noses.

" Oh my gosh,eww, " Y/n says.

" Ugh,what is that?Did something crawl up under the house and die? " Anne questions as Sprig appears." Worse Anne,much worse,Hop pop is cooking, " Sprig answers looking scared.

" Brace yourselves, " Sprig said as everyone gathered by the door.

" Brace ourselves for wha- "
Just as Anne spoke Sprig opened the door causing the horrible smell to blast itself in there faces.Y/n nearly gagged in disgust as Anne plugged her nose,they all went inside as Sprig walked up to Hop Pop." What's the plan for this year Hop Pop?Poisen the competition? " Sprig questioned as Hop Pop turned to him and hit Sprig on the head with his spoon." The plan is to win, " he stated firmly.

" Win? " Anne questioned.

" The annual village Pot lock, " Hop Pop explains as he continues.

" The family who brings the best tasting dish is showered with love and copper coins,the family with the worst tasting dish spends the night," Hop Pop pauses as he points out the window before continuing," The shame cage."

" Brutal, " Anne says.
" That's looks uncomfortable," Y/n also comments.

" And guess which family ends up there every year, " Sprig says disappointed as Sprig,Polly and Hop Pop sigh.

" If you think I'm gonna let my favorite froggy family end up in a cage,you've got another thing coming, " Anne states as Y/n smiled.

" Technically,we're not Plantars but it wouldn't hurt for us to help, " Y/n states as Anne nods.

" So whatcha makin' over there Hop Pop?Sock Gumbo? " Anne asks.

" No silly,it's a traditional recipe from my family's cook book!We've been using this baby since I was a polly wog, " Hop Pop explains as Anne and Y/n take a look at the book.

" I think I've found your problem guys, " Anne says catching the Plantars attention.

" Old things are dumb, " Anne says closing the book and dropping it.

" Not that old is bad,it's just....ya gotta try somethin' new ya know, " Y/n tries to say in the nicest way possible.

" Oh that makes sense."
" It's all so clear now."

Polly and Sprig comment." But we Plantars have always cooked these recipes!What would my great Gam Gam say? " Hop Pop questioned.

" She'd say move on, " Anne says quickly as Hop Pop sighs.

" She was a fierce women, " Hop Pop spoke.

" Look,if we're gonna win this thing,we need something new,something revolutionary,something no one in this swamp has ever seen before! " Anne explains.

" How about pizza? It's not that hard to make," Y/n comments as Anne gasps and searches through her phone for an image of Pizza." Pizza genius Y/n,we need something like Pizza! " Anne says showing the Plantars a picture of what Pizza looked like.

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