Hop Popular (Unedited)

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" Hey Hop pop,we have the groceries " Anne said as she,Y/n,and Polly barged in,Sprig following behind.

" Couldn't find much since we were running out of money "

" Feeling any better Hop pop? " Sprig questioned as they stared at Hop pop lazed out of the couch in a depressing manner.He looked up with a sigh," no,ever since we've lost the vegetable stand I felt sort of lost,I was fine the first couple of days but now it's really staring to catch up to me," Hop pop said looking at a picture of him proudly standing by his stand.

" Well maybe this will cheer you up! " Anne said as Y/n revealed a flier as Sprig explained that the Grub n Go was hiring.

" All you gotta do is smile and be friendly "

Hop pop mearily sighed," just another job for me to loose," he said slumping down.

" See your a natural now all you gotta do is head out there and get back in the game! "

" Let me go!Couch is the only one who understands me! " Hop pop said as Sprig dragged Hop pop away from the couch as the girls followed.


" Thank you Mr.Plantar,don't call us,we'll call you," The store manager said shutting the door on Hop pop after he left.

Hop pop looked down before noticing a crowd.

" What's all this rabble? " He questioned.

" Sign ups for the election!You've been living under a rock?Because I have and even I knew that! " Wally said before leaving towards the crowd.

" Election? "

" Vote Mayor Toadstool,every election I will always look out for the little guys," Mayor Toadstool said as he stepped on Toady just to get on his ride before leaving." Huh,some Mayor.That guy keeps raising our taxes,what do we got to show for it?Our road ways a mess,our buildings are falling apart," Hop pop paused as the whole front of a house fell.

" Heck,we ain't even replace the school after last years Millipede incident," Hop pop pointed out as a millipede shoots from the school ruins and starts chasing kids.

" Am I crazy or is he making sense? "

" Maybe we need a Mayor who looks out for the people he's Mayoring,cause ours well....he's only looking out for himself....Anyway,good afternoon everybody," Hop pop says as he starts to leave but Wally stops him.

" I nominate Hopediah Plantar for Mayor! " Wally shouted.

" I second that! "
" I third it! "

Many frogs said as they started casting votes for Hop pop,they started to cheer for him.This made him finally smile as he started to feel much happier.

Hop pop went home and burst through the door," guess what kids? " He says.

" You passed the interview? "
" You got the job? "

" Nope,I'm running for Mayor! " Hop pop exclaimed as everyone seemed confused.

" Don't you see kids,if I win this election,I'll prove once and for all that Hopediah Plantar ain't no loser! " Hop pop said combing his hair.

" Oh no,if he looses the election, he'll be down more than ever "

" I cannot handle that "

" And we just got the couch clean "

" But if he wins,we get the old Hop pop back," Sprig spoke up.

" True that "
" Uh huh "
" Fair point "

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